Page 43 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 43


              Brown-Forman’s iconic brands cushion travel retail sales

              decline during year of lockdown

              Aude Bourdier started her new position as Vice President, Managing Director Global Travel Retail for Brown-Forman in August, right in
              the middle of the coronavirus pandemic which has hit the duty free industry so hard. Bourdier tells TMI that even with these COVID-19
              setbacks, Brown-Forman Global Travel Retail is in a strong position to rebound and grow once COVID-19 is in the rearview mirror and
              people are traveling again.

                 Aude Bourdier says that opportunities                            emerge stronger as a team and more deter-
              exist even during a crisis.                                         mined for success than ever.”
                 “There were some positive develop-                                   Bourdier, who replaced Marshall
              ments during the lockdown. I learned early                          Farrer when he was named president of
              in my career that talented people accept the                        Brown-Forman Europe, reflects on the
              inevitability of adversities and do their best                      timing of her transition to leading Brown-
              to take advantage of the opportunities they                         Forman’s global travel retail business.
              present. I am proud to say that the Brown-                              “I indeed had the good fortune of not
              Forman team did just that over the past 12                          only assuming the managing director’s
              months or so,” says Bourdier, who joined                            position in the midst of a global pandemic
              Brown-Forman in 2018, and had been serv-                            but at the same time attempting to fill the
              ing as marketing director Brown-Forman                              formidable shoes of my predecessor, Mar-
              Travel Retail as well as overseeing domes-                          shal Farrer, who is both a member of the
              tic marketing activities in the developed                           company’s board of directors and a highly-
              markets of Asia-Pacific before assuming                             respected Brown family member. But all-
              her new position.                                                   in-all I think the transition was smooth and
                 The slowdown in travel retail allowed   Aude Bourdier, Vice President,   orderly aided by Marshall’s guidance and
              the company time to develop solutions and   Managing Director Global Travel   the fact that I was a known and accepted
              prepare staff for better opportunities ahead,   Retail for Brown-Forman  entity having served as the travel retail
              said Bourdier.                                                      team’s marketing director for the previous
                 “For one thing, we pulled together to   that 2020 marked the 150th anniversary   two years,” she tells TMI.
              formulate plans and strategies in prepara-  of our company’s founding and used the   Brown-Forman reported that its travel
              tion for the never-questioned return of   occasion to reflect on Brown-Forman’s   retail business was down 54% for the nine
              international travel. Secondly, we used the   proud history and the many obstacles and   months ending January 31, 2021. However,
              time to embark on serious and concentrated   challenges that have been overcome. We   business in the United States and Devel-
              training programs that emphasized critical   used the grit and resoluteness of our earlier   oped International markets grew 7% during
              skill development and personal advance-  counterparts to buoy our spirits during   the same time period.
              ment.  And finally, we paused to appreciate   COVID and reinforce our determination to   Bourdier says that because of the

              revolution” the company has optimized im-  “It’s been interesting to see that   as a GTR exclusive.
              agery and copy for all brands that retailers   consumers have continued to gravitate to   “An incredible collaboration and
              can use for improved consumer navigation.  not only these global icons, but also remain   ongoing show of support to the channel’s
                 “It is important that we, as a channel,   open to premiumization and our exclusive   recovery was when we announced Bow-
              continue to invest in digital services such   liquids. Therefore, we’ve been focusing on   more Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky as
              as click-and-collect and online loyalty   our core range as well as drawing attention   the new exclusive spirits partner of Aston
              programs to future-proof our business and   to the expansion of our innovation portfolio   Martin Lagonda last November. The pres-
              meet new shopper behavior. There are great   and demonstrating this through NPD.   tigious partnership will see the two British
              examples of platform interaction that we’ve   For example, the end of last year saw the   luxury brands come together to create an
              seen coming from some Asian markets in   launch of two premium whisky expressions   exclusive series of outstanding products
              particular, for example, where social media   - firstly Ao, the world’s first world-blended   and experiences, starting with the unveiling
              has integrated as part of e-commerce. We   whisky and first innovative whisky to   of Black Bowmore DB5 1964. With only
              are learning all the time.”       launch in GTR since the coronavirus pan-  25 bottles for sale, the exceptionally rare
                                                demic began. Secondly, Jim Beam Lineage,   Black Bowmore DB5 1964 is a celebration
              Priority brand focus              a batched premium expression created by   of time; a definitive moment in history for
                 Beam Suntory Global Travel Retail   Fred and Freddie Noe, available later this   both Bowmore and Aston Martin.”
              has a clear focus on its priority brands in   year. Additionally, just this month, Bow-
              the channel.                      more Timeless 31-year-old was announced

                                                                              43                 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue
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