Page 46 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 46


          MONARQ Group reaches customers with digital innovations

              As international tourism dried up                                Argentina excluded. It looks like we will
          MONARQ Group shifted its focus to                                    be in the pandemic for a little longer, all
          digital marketing, social media and                                  depending on the vaccination programs
          e-commerce, Managing Director Robert de                              in the different countries. For Duty Free
          Monchy tells TMI.                                                    airport retail sales, you need borders to re-
              To promote its brands on social media,                           open and travel between countries, so we
          the independent premium wine and spirits                             also depend on the vaccination programs
          distributor launched MONARQ’s Social                                 outside the USA. For cruise ships it’s a
          Club early on during the pandemic with                               bit different because of its relatively large
          overwhelmingly positive feedback from                                dependency on U.S. tourists. We have
          participants. The company specializes in   Robert de Monchy,         recently heard about cruise ships planning
          the duty free and domestic markets in Latin   MONARQ Group Managing Director  to embark their passengers in Caribbean
          America and the Caribbean as well as USA                             islands like Bahamas and St Maarten,
          Duty Free.                        pandemic has shown the vulnerability of   instead of mainland USA. We have strong
              “MONARQ’s Social Club is an online   the sector,” he says.       distribution in these islands, so this could
          platform, promoted mainly on Instagram,   “We have temporarily adapted our   play out well.”
          where we promote digital initiatives of   travel retail business but have not changed   De Monchy saw the pandemic as the
          our brand portfolio and provide access to   our strategy. Our strategy is long term and   ideal time to streamline MONARQ’s wine
          exclusive masterclasses, Q&A sessions,   we are committed to the channel. Going   and spirits portfolio, deciding to let go of
          live tastings, live distillery tours and more,”   forward, we believe that the pandemic   some brands, while identifying others that
          says de Monchy.                   has propelled change in the travel retail   are on trend.
              De Monchy believes digital elements   industry, which has fundamentally   “As a result of this, we recently
          need to play ever more important roles for   remained unchanged for many years.”  added a number of fantastic brands, such
          duty free to remain relevant to consumers.  MONARQ has seen some positive   as Bollinger Champagne, Conosur wines
              “I am always optimistic and, at the   duty free business, mainly in Latin   from Chile and Codigo Tequila 1530. We
          same time, believe that the duty free/  America.                     also expanded our partnership with Asahi
          travel retail industry needs fundamental   “On the duty free side, 2020 has   Premium Brands to include USA Duty Free
          change, like the integration of e-commerce.   indeed been a challenging year, while on   for Asahi Beer.”
          The duty free industry is basically built   the domestic side we have seen healthy   These adjustments to its portfolio
          on legislation. If you think about it, why   growth of our overall business. The   along with the company’s increased
          would you be able to purchase tax free   individual performances by category and   reliance on internet tools set MONARQ up
          in one location and not in another? The   brand have been different, depending on   for a post-COVID world, says de Monchy.
                                            the markets, e-commerce availability and   “MONARQ is committed to the
                                            split between on- and off trade channels,”   growth of our brands and our company.
                                            he says.                           The only constant thing is change; this is
                                                “On the duty free side of the   the reality for the coming years, and the
                                            business, the brighter spots have been   ones that do not have this sense of urgency
                                            in the Latin American duty free border   will unfortunately be facing increasingly
                                            stores, especially on the Brazilian border,   difficult times.”

          MONARQ Group created MONARQ’s Social
          Club, an online platform promoted mostly on
          Instagram, as a way to stay connected with its

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 46
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