Page 45 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 45


              Tariffs impact spirits sales in both the U.S. and Europe

                 Tariffs imposed on both U.S. spirits
              and Scotch whiskey as a result of unrelated
              trade disputes have had a significant impact
              on spirit sales on both sides of the pond,
              according to industry figures.
                 As a result of these tariffs, exports of
              Kentucky Bourbon fell 35% in 2020, with
              shipments to the European Union tumbling
              by nearly 50%, the Kentucky Distillers’
              Association announced in February.
                 Total exports of Kentucky Bourbon
              and other whiskies were valued at $455
              million in 2018. That number plunged to
              $319 million in 2020, a 35% decrease.
                 Export values to the EU have nose-
              dived 48% since the tariffs took effect,
              from $257 million in 2018 to $135 million
              last year.
                 The United Kingdom had historically
              been the largest market within the EU for
              Kentucky whiskey, making up a quarter to
              a third of exports. Sales have plummeted
              from $67 million in 2018 to just $33 mil-
              lion last year, a 50% drop. The largest EU
              export country now is Spain at $49 million.   on exports of Single Malt Scotch Whisky   imposed in retaliation over subsidies to the
                 The situation could deteriorate further   to the United States that has caused the   aircraft maker Airbus.
              in June, when the EU expects to double   most significant losses, says the SWA. The   The duties will be suspended for four
              tariffs on American Whiskey to 50%. The   United States is Scotch Whisky’s most   months while the two sides seek a long-
              EU had traditionally been Kentucky’s larg-  valuable market, valued at over £1 billion   term settlement. Tariffs will also be lifted
              est global market for Bourbon and whiskey,   in 2019 when it accounted for a fifth of   on UK cheese, cashmere and machinery.
              making up 56% of all exports in 2017. It’s   global exports. In 2020, exports of Scotch   Commenting on the four-month sus-
              now about 40%.                    Whisky to the U.S. fell by 32% to £729   pension of U.S. tariffs on Scotch Whisky
                                                million, a loss of £340 million compared to   and other products relating to the ongoing
              Scotch exports                    2019, and accounting for around one third   Airbus-Boeing trade dispute, Karen Betts
                 Global exports of Scotch Whisky fell   of total global export losses.    said:
              by more than £1.1 billion during 2020,   “These figures are a grim reminder   “This is fabulous news, and our indus-
              according to figures released in February   of the challenges faced by distillers over   try is delighted. The tariff on Single Malt
              by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA).   the past year, as exports stalled in the face   Scotch Whisky exports to the U.S. has been
              The export figures are the lowest they have   of the coronavirus pandemic and U.S.   doing real damage to Scotch Whisky in the
              been in a decade, as the combined impact   tariffs. In effect, the industry lost 10 years   sixteen months it has been in place, with
              of COVID-19 and the 25% tariff in the   of growth in 2020 and it’s going to take   exports to the U.S. falling by 35%, costing
              United States hit distillers hard.   some time to build back to a position of   companies over half a billion pounds.”
                 In 2020, the export value of Scotch   strength,” says Karen Betts, Chief Execu-  While the action has no immediate
              Whisky exports fell 23% by value to   tive of the Scotch Whisky Association.  impact on exports of Kentucky Bourbon
              £3.8 billion. The number of 70cl bottles   “In these challenging times, what’s so   and other American whiskies, the Kentucky
              exported fell by 13% to the equivalent of   disappointing is the damage being caused   Distillers’ Association is encouraged that
              1.14 billion.                     by U.S. tariffs. The U.S. has been, for   the United States and the United Kingdom
                 The value and volume of exports to   decades, our strongest and most valuable   have agreed to briefly suspend some tariffs
              most of Scotch Whisky’s top 10 markets   market, but Scotch Whisky is now losing   involved in the long-running Boeing-
              fell as countries went into lockdown to   considerable ground there.”   Airbus dispute.
              combat the spread of COVID-19 during                                    “This is a good first step and a hopeful
              2020. The closure of hospitality and travel   U.S. suspends tariffs on single malt   signal that the administration is committed
              restrictions impacting airport retail globally   Scotch whisky      to resolving trade wars that have inflicted
              saw export values fall in 70% of Scotch   In a huge dose of good news for the   so much collateral damage on global
              Whisky’s global markets compared to   travel retail industry, the U.S. has agreed   markets, including Kentucky’s signature
              2019. Exports to the EU 27, the industry’s   to suspend tariffs on UK goods including   Bourbon industry and our broader Ameri-
              largest regional export market, fell by 15%.   single malt whiskies, it was announced in   can Whiskey family,” KDA President Eric
                 But it is the continued impact of tariffs   the beginning of March. The tariffs were   Gregory said.

                                                                              45                 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue
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