Page 49 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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                 Geoghegan says he has duty free in his   presence. We need to complete the   of 5, 3 and 2 year old Latin American and
              blood and he tries to support the industry in   geographies of the key duty free locations.   Caribbean Golden Rums.
              any way he can, whether through serving   This year’s goal is to finalize North and   MOB33 has “added a splash of the
              on committees, supporting charities, or   South America. We know the operators,   infamous Jamaican funk to the blend of
              attending events.                 but to date we have not had people in the   Dominican Republic and Venezuelan
                 “I think we at Duty Free Global are   territories. Our intention is to square that   Rums and have fused these, for a light,
              sincerely duty free people. We really do   circle.                  Spanish style, with the vivid flavors and
              have the channel in our DNA. My father   “We want to give the best service to   character of Rum from Barbados,”  says the
              was the very first employee of Aer Rianta   our brand partners. We can be both global   company.
              International Business Development,” he   and niche at the same time. Even though   Last September, Duty Free Global
              says.                             we deal with the global operators our sales   added Death’s Door Gin and House of
                 “Understanding people and      director Nathalie Roelands knows the   Somrus to its spirits portfolio.
              understanding cultures is something that we   difference between what Dufry does in   Death’s Door Gin is an award winning
              pride ourselves in. As far as I am concerned   Europe and what Dufry does in Brazil.”  American-made Gin made using only three
              good people are good people. For me it is                           botanicals: Juniper, Coriander and Fennel.
              all family values, be it the duty free family   Virtual Summit of the Americas  ‘Inspired by India, made for the
              or your own family. It’s not about building   Following its successful Platinum   world’, rum-based cream liqueur Somrus is
              empires. It’s about building networks. And   sponsorship of October’s Virtual Travel   made with real dairy cream and 5x distilled
              the network will not come to you. You need   Retail Expo, Duty Free Global is a Gold   handcrafted rum. At the Virtual Summit of
              to come to the network.”          sponsor for the Virtual Summit of the   the Americas, Geoghegan says House of
                 Geoghegan’s networks now stretch   Americas.                     Somrus is sponsoring the Virtual Coffee
              throughout the world and he plans for more   The company will be showcasing its   breaks, bringing participants on a coffee
              growth this year.                 spirits portfolio focusing on six brands: the   culture trip across the Americas with the
                 “I called the company Duty Free   new MOB33 Gold Heist Premium Rum,   Sadekar sisters, now well-known from
              Global because I didn’t want to be a   Beau Joie Champagne, Gunpowder Irish   the Virtual Travel Retail Expo last year.
              regional player. I will try my best to find an   Gin, House of Somrus, Death’s Door Gin,   The Somrus Coffee Breaks will offer golf
              appropriate assortment or portfolio that will   and RumChata.       tips and style advice to Expo visitors in
              work for each culture. It will not be one   Duty Free Global signed an agreement   between Knowledge Hub sessions.
              size fits all. Some things translate globally,   with Legacy Brands last month to launch   “Somrus Coffee is already really
              but some things don’t.”           MOB33 Gold Heist rum into the global   popping. They’ve taken on a very
                 He notes that the company currently   duty free markets. The new rum is a blend   experienced team to build that business,”
              has team members based in Switzerland,                              says Geoghegan. “Gunpowder Gin is on
              Belgium, the UK, Hong Kong and four in                              fire in the U.S. It is the fifth fastest growing
              Ireland. The goal this year is to expand the                        ultra-premium gin in the U.S. according
              company’s expertise in the Americas.                                to Nielson data. It’s a player. Beau Joie
                 “For every brand partner we can speak                            Champagne, based in Las Vegas, is on fire
              to the decision makers regionally. My short                         for us as well.”
              term goal is to fill the gap in North and                               To end off the Virtual Summit of the
              South America. We are very happy with                               Americas, Duty Free Global is sponsoring
              our European, Middle East, and AsiaPAC                              a Virtual Club Americas on 5 pm Thursday
                                                                                  April 8 in the Engagement Lounge.

              Duty Free Global is featuring Gunpowder Irish Gin, Beau Joie Champagne, and RumChata at its Gold booth at the Virtual Summit of the Americas.

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