Page 54 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 54


          Otis McAllister: “We are committed to Travel Retail”

              Otis McAllister was expecting 2020   “One of the things we are most proud   size and freight rates while accommodating
          to be another record year for its travel retail   of is that many customers and distributors   new fulfillment needs.
          division before the COVID-19 pandemic   around the world had cash flow problems   “It is an extreme challenge for us to
          stopped that momentum in its tracks, Otis   when COVID really hit. And we were one   navigate currently,” says Panara. “The
          McAllister Vice President Sales and Opera-  of the few companies that was never late   sheer number of top international brands
          tions Marc Panara tells TMI. The company   on any of our payments, and paid all of our   that we represent has lifted some of the
          has steadily grown to be the pre-eminent   bills in full. I think because of that there   burden for both our customers and Otis to
          regional confectionery distributor in North   have been a lot of opportunities that have   build up the critical mass when placing and
          America.                          opened for us,” he said.           shipping an order.”
              “Like everyone, the pandemic caught   Panara notes that they approached the   The price of shipping products to
          us by surprise and derailed our business   challenges from a variety of directions to   operators has also gone up during the past
          almost overnight. We were coming off   prepare for recovery with their customers.  year, adding another layer of cost to the
          back-to-back years (2018 and 2019) of   “From a customer perspective we   total, says Nee. There was also a short-
          record-breaking performance for our divi-  always thought that we are all in this to-  age of truckers available to deliver the
          sion and ended Q1 of 2020 35% ahead of   gether. We did what we could from a com-  temperature-controlled confectionery,
          2019 figures, which includes the business   pany perspective and a brand perspective to   pushing trucking rates higher.
          shutting down effectively in mid-March.”   support our retailers and more importantly   “We have seen increases to some of
              With booming sales, Otis McAllister   work with them on a game plan of recovery   our most frequent delivered locations more
          could never have anticipated the impact the   and building a solid plan. A road map we   than double,” says Nee.
          pandemic would have on its business, says   can all follow in terms of cutting down the
          Panara.                           assortment and focusing on best sellers,   New spirits division
              “Never take anything for granted. In   making sure we have the right promotional   Otis McAllister expanded into the
          mid-February of 2020, we were experienc-  calendars for each store.”  spirits business exactly a year ago with the
          ing record setting growth through the first   Both Panara and Nee emphasize that   asset purchase of Chase International, Inc.
          month and a half of the year and we were   Otis McAllister remains optimistic about   The company still sees spirits as an impor-
          about to bring on the spirits business as of   the future of the travel retail channel.   tant part of its future.
          March 1st. We said, ‘There isn’t anything   “From both a companywide and divi-  “We are thrilled to have entered the
          that can slow us down.’ Well, we ended   sion standpoint we are committed to Travel   spirits business back in March of 2020
          up eating those words in a big way, but no   Retail. We have been very fortunate that we   although the timing was certainly not ideal.
          one could have predicted the impact that   have the backing of a strong parent com-  We represent several fantastic suppli-
          COVID-19 would have on our industry let   pany which believes in our vision for the   ers who all focus on or cater to different
          alone around the world.”          future of the Travel Retail division. As we   customer needs with the array of offerings
              Even as COVID-19 hit its business   have been, we will adapt our business to   in their respective portfolios,” says Panara.
          hard, Otis McAllister maintained close   cater to the current conditions and continue   Even with a solid portion of its spirits busi-
          contact and communication with both its   to be nimble to make changes accordingly.   ness devoted to cruise ships, which have
          customers and suppliers. The idea was to   We will remain an extension of our brand   been at a standstill, he is optimistic with the
          shape a recovery plan from an assortment   partners in the stores and work closely with   potential of the category.
          and promotional perspective coming out of   our customers to accommodate their ever-  “The goal of the spirits division is for
          COVID, says Justin Nee, Sales Director,   changing needs. We are looking forward   Otis McAllister to eventually be looked
          Confectionery Products, at Otis McAllister.  to the continuous rollout of the vaccine,   upon as the go to spirits supplier for U.S.
              “Although it has been a challenging   people being able to travel more freely   Duty Free in which we are providing a win-
          twelve months, we are seeing opportuni-  again and getting back into the market   dow to the world of our brands to interna-
          ties present themselves that may have not   where we thrive,” says Panara.  tional travelers from around the globe. We
          otherwise been open to us at this point                              are still learning the business and of course
          pre-COVID. This includes the potential   Logistics and Trucking Costs  with COVID it has affected the volumes
          supply of our brands to new customers and   With airport shops closed and product   and assortments for the time being, but
          territories, as well as the representation of   sitting on shelf un-sold, the confectionery   we will continue to work together with
          new brands that we do not currently repre-  specialists had to deal with the logistical   our partners and ensure we have the right
          sent,” says Nee.                  issue of products with sell-by dates. As   offering to the right nationalities traveling
              “If anything our partnerships with our   customers were still figuring out their ideal   through the airports. We do expect and feel
          suppliers have gotten better,” added Panara,   stock on hand needs and more cognizant of   that we can grow the business to be a much
          explaining how the company did all it   product dating, the company had to find a   more significant portion of our overall busi-
          could to maintain its business obligations.  way to maintain a balance between order   ness than it is today.”

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