Page 50 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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Wine Classics:
Staying connected in Canada despite border shutdown
The U.S./Canada border has now key.” Millwork Ltd. builds fixtures for the duty
been closed for more than a year. But Wine The cocktail challenge was a high- free stores throughout the region, says
Classics International’s relationships with point. In November, as part of the FDFA Wine Classics positive attitude and contin-
its suppliers and the Canadian duty free op- Until We Meet Again series, Wine Classics ued partnership has not wavered even as
erators is stronger than ever, Sherri Gidney, partnered with FDFA, challenging the business has suffered.
Sales and Marketing Travel Retail Manager border stores to create a custom cocktail “There’s no question that 2020 was a
at Wine Classics, tells TMI. for the holidays with the winner receiv- difficult year for the Canadian Travel Retail
The two countries closed the bor- ing prizes and a congratulation video from Industry and 2021 will continue to have its
der on March 21, 2020, and the closures Crystal Head owner Dan Aykroyd. challenges. I am optimistic for the future
have been extended to at least April 21. Chris Foster, whose Queenston-Lew- and working with Sherri and the team at
Although a few border stores remain open iston Duty Free Shop is one of the border Wine Classics to strengthen our partner-
for essential travel, the majority of the duty stores that has been forced to close during ships with both the brands and the retailers
free stores have been closed with devastat- the COVID-19 pandemic, says the cocktail is integral to our long term success,” says
ing results for their business. competition was a way for the Canadian Mackie.
Despite the closure, Wine Classics has duty free industry to stay connected during Some airports have been able to open
been in constant contact with its suppliers challenging times. their stores, and Wine Classics has been
and its Canadian duty free operator friends, “The latest FDFA ‘Until we meet working closely with Dufry and Aer Rianta
a close relationship it has maintained for again’ Challenge may seem like a little way despite slow traffic and sales.
more than two decades. to keep the association and our members “I am proud to collaborate with Sherri
“The pandemic has allowed us to active and interested but this goes miles in Gidney and the Wine Classics team; we
strengthen our communication and sup- continuing to build on our current busi- have built a strong partnership that allowed
port,” explains Gidney, listing some of ness relationship. As you are probably well us to innovate over the years including the
the special efforts the company has made aware the Canadian Duty Free industry is first ever Crystal Head Wall Bay,” com-
to stay in touch. “We created a cocktail much more than a business, it’s family,” mented AerRianta’s Pauline Bonhomme.
challenge for the duty free operators. We says Foster.
are starting a Wine Classics quarterly “Sherri has done an excellent job Jonathan Hemi and Wine Classics
newsletter by email. The pandemic has also keeping in touch throughout these times Wine Classics, which was started in
allowed us the time to tailor our brands and and continues to check in regularly. Per- 1995 by Jonathan Hemi, marked its 25th
promotions by location,” she said. haps more than most, I have the opportu- anniversary in 2020, although the pandemic
“Our communications with our sup- nity to work closely with all suppliers, in did not give the company many occasions
pliers has allowed us to discuss what we all categories. We are looking forward to to celebrate.
are doing in Canada and all over the world the day where we are able to get back to But Hemi made a great effort to keep
and what we are planning for the next 3-5 normalcy and sip a drink together again!” a sense of normalcy, said Gidney.
years. Of course zoom calls have been Jeff Mackie, whose T.S.M. Custom “It is crazy that a full year has passed
since this pandemic began, bringing so
many ups and downs for so many. The one
constant has been Wine Classics and its
owner Jonathan Hemi, whose support was
there through all of this. He employed all
our staff for the entire year,” she noted.
“Jonathan has been very flexible. And
we are still celebrating small wins and staff
member’s birthdays with socially distanced
lunches. We also have a cocktail hour zoom
call every week to catch up.”
Lola Stankovic, Wine Classics Trade
Marketing Manager, says the character of
the company and the people she works with
shone through during the crisis.
In November, as part of the FDFA Until We Meet Again series,
Wine Classics partnered with FDFA, challenging the border
stores to create a custom cocktail for the holidays.
The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021 50