Page 51 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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“I am very fortunate to work with so many wonderful hard
working, committed and supportive people at Wine Classics.
Jonathan Hemi, Brian Merit, Lola Stankovic, Nancy Ferrante
and myself have all worked very hard over the years to build a
strong foundation for this successful business in Canada Duty
Free. Our number one strength is our communication with the
suppliers (Edrington, Iceberg, Heaven Hill, Henkell/Freixenet,
Russian Standard, Konzelmann Winery, Crystal Head and Signal
Hill Canadian Whisky) we represent and of course our amazing
Canadian Duty Free stores. We are so fortunate to work with so
many wonderful people Catherine West/Dufry, Pauline Bonhomme
AerRianta/Canada, Chris Foster and team Peninsula Duty Free,
Jeff Butler and team Thousand Islands Duty Free, Nancy Enright
and team Philipsburg Duty Free, Mike Maskery and team Ambas-
sador Duty Free, John Tompkins and team West Coast Duty Free
and the list goes on. We have built strong partnerships, continu-
ing though COVID and looking forward to having the Best and Wine Classics celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020. Wine Classics
Strongest years ahead.” founder Jonathan Demi (center) with Sherri Gidney, Brian Meret, Lola
Sherri Gidney, Wine Classics Stankovic, and Demi’s family.
“Being a part of Wine Classics In- “We launched Crystal Head Onyx
ternational for the past 7 years has taught in the domestic market where it is doing
me the difference between working for amazingly well. We are looking forward
a good company and working for a great to the launch of our annual Crystal Head
one. Having strong and passionate leaders Pride in June 2021 after its successful
such as Sherri Gidney and Jonathan Hemi, launch in June 2020. Signal Hill is also
who strive for authenticity over perfection, positive domestically,” she says.
while continuously helping to refine skills Wine Classics has added new brands
and knowledge of all the team members, which it will launch as business in the
and ensuring that the needs of our TR channel resumes. Among them are Hen-
family are prioritized, is what makes Wine kell Freixinet and Konzelmann Winery
Classics International a proud partner with (Niagara on the Lake), one of Canada’s
our Suppliers and Duty Free customers oldest producers of wines. Established in
alike,” says Stankovic. Stuttgart, Germany in 1893 by Friedrich
Konzelmann, his great, great grandson
New brands and domestic success Herbert Konzelmann relocated the winery
While travel retail is suffering as a to Niagara on the Lake, Canada in 1984.
result of the pandemic, Crystal Head Vodka “We are looking forward to building
and Signal Hill whiskey are thriving in the these businesses in Canada Duty Free,” Peninsula Duty Free’s Chris Foster, Sherri
Gidney, Herbert Konzelmann, and Bonnie Gates
Canadian domestic market, says Gidney. says Gidney. (Peace Bridge), with Lake Ontario behind them.
Wine Classics and Alexander James merger creates North American spirits powerhouse
A little more than one year after Melero formalized their long-standing Stankovic, Sarah King, Nancy Ferrante,
leading Canadian company Wine Classics relationship with WCI and are officially Lonnie Lafirenza, and Joan Koch are able
International and iconic U.S. distributor working together with Jonathan Hemi in to communicate and meet with customers
Alexander James and Company merged, a business that now covers Canada, the and suppliers on a consistent basis with
the two respected wine and spirits United States, and Latin American airports team members in Canada and the U.S.
distributors are operating stronger together as well as land border stores and cruise “Our customer relationships have
than as individual entities. lines. always been the key to both of these
The acquisition allowed their business Together, the companies have built businesses and as one we look forward
to increase its global footprint, with offices an impressive supplier base including to continuing our strong committed
in Miami and Toronto, and warehouses Edrington, Treasury Wines, Crystal Head partnerships in the Travel Retail industry,”
in Miami, Newfoundland, Vancouver, the Vodka and many more. commented Gidney, Sales and Marketing
UK and Singapore. AJ&C executives Ned The company’s strong, diverse team Travel Retail Manager.
Carpenter, John Alexander and Ignacio of Brian Meret, Sherri Gidney, Lola
51 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue