Page 57 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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              2021: Back to normal?             this commodity. This is what we know and   we can get it done right there. We move
                 Even as WTDC has diversified this   we are good at it.           quickly. I think that is one of the reasons
              past year, travel retail/duty free spirits   “Our competition are these huge   we were able to survive the pandemic.
              logistics will remain its core business, and   multi-national corporations. If you need to   Because we saw this business potentially
              Gazitua says there is reason for optimism.  have a decision done, you have to talk to   slowing down and pivoted and started
                 “Now it is closer to normalcy. In 2021,   your supervisor, the manager, the director,   handling medical supplies and renewal
              business has begun bouncing back. In   all the way up the ladder. Here if you want   energy. But we are here and we are open
              November and December last year higher   to get something done you speak to me and   for business.”
              volumes started leaving the warehouse and
              we saw a spike going up. We thought it was
              just for the holiday season,” he says.
                 “But in January, the numbers con-
              sistently stayed up and in February the
              numbers have remained consistent. Now
              that we are in March, the numbers leaving
              the warehouse have not gone down. It feels
              good to see these numbers of cases leaving
              the warehouse. I feel like we are trending
              in the right direction. There is some good
              news out there. There are orders. We are
              busy and we appreciate it.”
                 Prior to the pandemic, WTDC was
              experiencing a record year.
                 “2019 smashed every other year.
              January and February 2020 were incredible   WTDC Health & Wellness Program
              months. We expected 2020 to be stronger   WTDC began its health and wellness program in 2017 with the goal of encouraging all its
              than 2019.”                       employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which promotes improved mental and physical wellness.
                 Gazitua says his family company is   During the pandemic, WTDC has expanded this program.
              prepared for a return to better times.  “We can make sure our employee morale is high. We’ve implemented a health and well-
                 “We are speaking with companies that   ness program, with a multi-purpose health and wellness room. We zoom in there, and when
              are interested in coming into the market.   we are not using it for zoom it is used for yoga room. We also have a masseuse come every
              We have the know-how. We celebrated   Wednesday to give massages in our special massage room. We even have a prayer/meditation
              44 years in business on March 8. We’ve   room. We really believe in having a sound mind, sound body, especially in a year like last year.
              been handling spirits for 15 years for this   We want to make sure that WTDC is a safe place for our employees. That’s part of being a fam-
              market. We know the processes specific to   ily business,” says Gazitua.

                                                                              57                 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue
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