Page 44 - The Summit 2021 flip book
P. 44


          reputation and popularity of the brands in
          its portfolio, Brown-Forman was able to
          maintain a strong business profile during
              “Both Jack Daniel’s and Woodford
          Reserve did quite well in domestic markets
          thanks in part to consumers who were
          experiencing various levels of lockdown
          being inclined to favor brands that were
          known and proven at the expense of those
          that are newer or less familiar. We feel
          this trend will continue with the return of
          international travel.
              “For one thing, during COVID, fans
          of products like Jack Daniel’s, Woodford
          Reserve and Herradura tequila who had
          been making their purchases in travel retail
          simply bought them domestically. We have
          every belief that they will switch back to
          making duty free purchases when they
          return to their former traveling lifestyle.”
              Premiumization will continue to be
          an important part of Brown-Forman’s
          travel retail strategy as international travel
          returns, says Bourdier.
              “International travelers are, for the
          most part, knowledgeable, sophisticated
          and unrelenting in their demand for pre-
          mium authentic brands. That was their stan-
          dard prior to COVID and I see no reason
          for it to change as we move back toward
          normalcy. Our strategy moving forward is
          to continue our focus on premium spirits
          and global travel retail exclusives.    known to and adopted by whiskey connois-  ness as usual” will be coming soon for
              “We got off to a very good start in   seurs around the world.”       travel retail.
          these endeavors three years ago with the   2020 was supposed to be a year of   “For the first time in a long time there
          launch of Jack Daniel’s Bottled-in-Bond.   celebration for Brown-Forman, with the   is a sense of optimism in the air. While
          It has enjoyed tremendous acceptance and   company ringing in its 150th anniver-  their rollout has sometimes been frustrat-
          success over a relatively short period of   sary. COVID-19 changed that tune, says   ingly slow or cumbersome, the vaccines
          time and has proven to be a favorite of dis-  Bourdier.              seem to be proving effective and are being
          cerning travelers looking for some some-  “It’s a bit of an understatement to   strongly embraced by the general public.
          thing a bit different from the Jack Daniel’s   say that the actual celebration of our   I know that Brown-Forman travel retail is
          family of whiskies. The Bottled-in-Bond   150th anniversary in 2020 was a little   quite anxious to get fully re-engaged in our
          whiskey itself – a unique liquid bottled at a   more muted than called for in our original   business activities and I can only assume
          higher proof - serves as a perfect comple-  plans. However, we did make every ef-  this enthusiasm is as strong in other travel
          ment to Gentleman Jack and our Single   fort to make the most of this remarkable   retail companies and operations as well. As
          Barrel selections which remain quite   achievement and we used the occasion to   to what is next, I would venture to say that
          popular themselves. Given our success with   move forward with the confidence that as   long-haul international travel will be slow-
          such brands in travel retail you can expect   a company we had overcome even more   er to engage but we are already seeing an
          to see us continue to focus on bringing new   grievous challenges in the past and that   uptick in intra-continental flights in Asia,
          premium spirits into the channel.  we would survive this as well. As far as   Europe and North and South America.
              “Regarding Old Forester, as our found-  extending the celebration into 2021, I   “As far as portfolio adjustments dur-
          ing brand it holds a special place in the   think that as normalcy creeps back into   ing COVID, we saw no need to do so. The
          heart of the Brown-Forman family. It is an   our lives everyone within Brown-Forman   attributes that contributed to the popularity
          exquisite bourbon with steep authenticity   and out will be in a celebratory mood   of Jack Daniel’s and Woodford Reserve
          and ancestry and enjoys quite a following   as we engage in – and relish – what was   pre-COVID – great taste, authenticity and
          in the United States. It will be a key task of   formally referred to somewhat derisively   premium value – will still be in force with
          the Brown-Forman global travel retail team   as ‘business as usual.’”         the resumption of normal international
          is to establish it in new markets and make it   Bourdier is optimistic that this “busi-  travel and commerce.”

          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 44
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