Page 40 - The Summit 2021 flip book
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          to move forward rather than backwards.   cruise lines, the Caribbean basin and select   tise, and love and know our industry.”
          The Constellation portfolio gave us that   Central American markets, effective im-  And now WEBB Banks is adding
          additional critical mass. It made all the dif-  mediately.           another experienced travel retail name to
          ference,” says Consuegra.             Under the agreement, WEBB Banks   its team.
              “We have Constellation’s entire wines   will exclusively distribute and represent   Beginning May 1, Curran Welch
          and spirits portfolio for the Caribbean, and   Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey, Temple-  Zinn, well known from her long tenure at
          are focused on Constellation’s strategy   ton Rye American Whiskey, Zaya Rum   Alexander James & Co., is joining WEBB
          of premiumized brands. We are coming   as well as the ultra-luxury brand Tears of   Banks as Key Accounts Director.
          in with Robert Mondavi Woodbridge and   Llorona Tequila through their existing route   “We are preempting the return of the
          moving up from there. Their spirits portfo-  to market.              cruise industry, hiring a specific person to
          lio is good and getting stronger with brands   Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey   help us with that market,” says Castellvi.
          like Svedka, Casa Noble, and High West,”   has been an enormous success since it was   WEBB Banks will be shuffling a few
          says Jarrell.                     launched in 2018. Earlier this year it was   more roles in the coming months as the
              “But they are really exploding the pre-  named Best New Product at 2020’s Market   company launches an exciting new division
          mium side of their wine portfolio, focusing   Watch Leaders Awards, voted on by over   for wellness, says Consuegra.
          on Meiomi, and growing Kim Crawford   200 active leaders in the alcoholic beverage   “Jose today is running travel retail
          and the Prisoner Wine Company, and some   industry. In early 2020, Beverage Informa-  and all the spirits brands for marketing.
          other new product developments. It is just   tion & Insights Group named Skrewball   He’ll take on more responsibility and by
          a really fun, consumer friendly portfolio,”   Peanut Butter Whiskey one of the fastest   summer will run all of WEBB Banks,”
          he says.                          growing whiskey brands. Skrewball sold   says Consuegra. “Phillip Jarell will run a
               “A big wine brand that did really   more than 700,000 cases in 2020, just its   new wellness division that WEBB Banks is
          well last year is 19 Crimes, which was up   third year in existence.  launching in May. I will still be overseeing
          around 25%. We also launched at the end   WhistlePig Rye Whiskey has been   everything, and am going on the board of
          of last year 19 Crimes Cali Red by Snoop   another success story since it joined the   Ghost Tequila.”
          Dog, with a Rosé launching now. We were   portfolio last year, says Consuegra. WEBB   The new roles and responsibilities will
          up on 19 Crimes ahead of the launch of   Banks distributes the brand in the Carib-  reaffirm WEBB Banks’ commitment to the
          Snoop Dog, and that’s been a tremendous   bean, Central America, and travel retail.  region and further strengthen its position,
          success,” says Consuegra.                                            explains Castellvi.
              “We also launched, in addition to   Experienced team is key         “Our focus is still on our main sup-
          Penfolds from Australia, Penfolds from   Consuegra is full of pride for how his   pliers. We are constantly investing in the
          California. Caymus is another big brand,   WEBB Banks team dealt with the trials of   business. As we take on large new brands
          which we continue to do really well with.”  the past year.           we are adding people. At the end of the
                                                “When you have the right team and   day it is about scale and we have said that
          Exciting new spirits              they can step up and walk right into ad-  from day one. You have to be important to
              WEBB Banks’ portfolio is split almost   versity, I have so much pride for them and   the customers, whether it is the duty free
          evenly between wines and spirits.  what they were able to do last year. I have   operators, cruise lines, in-market whole-
              In January, WEBB Banks signed an   so much admiration for them. They were   salers, or retailers,” says Castellvi. “The
          agreement with California-based distribu-  always so positive, and were filled with   other thing that set us apart last year is our
          tor Infinium Spirits to distribute its spirits   energy and focus,” says Consuegra.  cash flow management, which allowed the
          portfolio in travel retail in the Americas,   “Our team has experience and exper-  company to come out strong.”
          The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue April 2021                 40
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