Page 18 - IAADFS 2022 hi-res
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ARI-NA celebrated the reopening of air travel with holiday cocktails from Diageo in December.
Aer Rianta adjusts its workplace in Canada to new realities post-
While airport passenger levels are were 26% of 2019 levels—the company positive during the pandemic through
still drastically below 2019 peaks for has made some important adjustments to undertaking large projects and increasing
Aer Rianta International in Montreal and how it does business as recovery moves communications to accommodate remote
Quebec, Canada – passenger numbers forward, according to Jackie McDonagh, working.
for 2021 were only 19% of 2019 traffic General Manager and Director, Aer Rianta “We also implemented social
numbers and resulting travel retail sales International North America. calls, health and well-being checks and
And now, with vaccinated travelers no conducted a lot of training,” she said.
longer needing a COVID-19 test to enter In-store, McDonagh says ARI-NA is
Canada as of April 1, passenger recovery experiencing higher levels of spends and
could take a giant leap forward. Canadian penetration due to exceptional offers and
travel agents say they’ve seen a surge in the need for a lot more gifting.
demand for flights since the change was “We are seeing some element of
announced in mid-March, according to revenge spending with increased PAS,
local media. ARI-NA intends to be ready to now more than ever we need to continue
meet the new realities with a best practices to adapt to ensure that we are keeping
mentality. hold of this increased spend. Gifting and
Staffing levels as of March 2022 are self-treating have become an even more
still about a third of what they were pre important element of our mix. We see
pandemic, says McDonagh. The ARI-NA customers wanting to pick up something
offices are currently working with a hybrid even more special for that loved one that
in-office / work from home model at the perhaps they haven’t seen in so long,” she
recommendation of the local government, observes.
a situation that McDonagh says will likely At the same time that the company is
continue. working to continue generating the higher
“We have discovered the benefits spend levels, it also has instituted a new
ARI-NA is the first airport in North America of working from home. People avoid the emphasis and awareness on sustainability
to launch the LXR Pre-Loved luxury fashion stress of commuting and it allows for more and diversity.
boutique that features vintage and pre-owned work-life balance flexibility,” she tells TMI. “We relaunched our ESG
luxury designer handbags and accessories. McDonagh kept team morale (environmental, social and governance)
Summit of the Americas April 2022 18