Page 24 - IAADFS 2022 hi-res
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obviously get the returns, and as pop-ups
they are mobile and allow us to take the
product to the customer.
“Pop-ups give us the opportunity to
encourage local participation for a short
period of time (1, 2 months or seasonal). It
will allow us to offer local brands short-
term leases without the major investment
to promote their brands within the airport
environment. This is pretty exciting. And
we can obviously use the pop-ups to sell
some of our ONT merchandise as well as
to take big promotional activations out of
the store.
“Along these lines, one of our F&B
operators will be opening a 3,500 sqf ONT adds value to airport sponsorships and advertising with concourse
outlet that will incorporate an interactive displays and special events, like this line up new cars from Porsche Audi.
environment. If it all goes according
to plan we will be the first airport in
North America to do this. It will take the and introduced a health and well-being Routes development is another major
customer experience to a new level,” he educational program for our passengers.” focus and a little more than a year ago ONT
said. brought its routes service development
Looking ahead in-house and appointed a senior air service
Enhancing the customer experience All future development of the development manager.
In addition to the concessions, ONT concessions depend on passenger “The goal is to increase frequencies
brought the advertising and sponsorship growth, and ONT is developing a capital on our existing routes, bring new airlines in
operations in house, resulting in a doubling investment plan to increase infrastructure and add new destinations. We are also well
of returns to the airport (despite COVID to meet forecasted increases in passenger into the planning for the terminal expansion
and the impact on advertising revenues). numbers. The plan includes a new Federal program and that also will be another
“We now have a very broad width of Inspection Services facility and that will major step in allowing us to meet the 10
advertisers at the airport –Porsche Audi, further enhance customs and immigration million passenger forecast by 2028. We are
UCR Health, Santo Spirits, Barclays, for internationally arriving passengers. extremely excited with the current program
University of Redland, Discover “Obviously, any terminal expansion and confident that as we continue to grow
Claremont, Yaamava Resort and Casino, will have additional commercial space,” our traffic, our concession business will go
Keck Graduate Institute, AC Clippers, said Cappell. from strength to strength.”
Golden Corral, Dignity Health and
Northwest Mutual to name but a few. Our
focus has been to add value wherever Atif Elkadi named CEO
possible and not solely rely on a static or
10 seconds on a digital loop,” said Cappell. Atif Elkadi was named chief executive officer of
“Customer experience is a priority as Ontario International Airport (ONT), effective March
far as the Board is concerned. So we are 31, 2022.
trying to push the envelope in terms of the Elkadi joined ONT in 2017 and has served as
offer, but also incorporate elements that deputy chief executive officer for the past three years.
will add attractions to the customer to go His extensive background in airport operations,
into the commercial environment. management and communications includes positions
Porsche Audi showcased a car in the at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport and Dubai
terminal, for example, (and sold it after International Airport.
four days) but is adding real added value Elkadi, along with Chief Commercial Officer Dan
by holding a special event for its VIP Cappell, will be attending the Summit of the Americas
customers in the ONT hanger where Ford in Palm Beach in April.
vs Ferrari was filmed. In more news from ONT, the Board in February
“That is the sort of experience that approved a budget revision to reduce landing fees
Porsche and Audi would want to give their and other airline costs to make the Southern California airport even more attractive to
best customers. And it is where we think passenger and cargo air carriers, and made the reduced fees retroactive to January 1.
outside the box and how we can add value The reductions are possible because of faster growth in passenger volume
to a potential sponsorship,” said Cappell. contributing to higher-than-projected revenues from non-airline sources such as parking,
“Another partner, Dignity Health, has rental cars, food and beverage, and news and gift concessions.
completely refurbished all of the mother’s In addition, airport operating expenses were reduced $2.1 million in the last six
rooms, refurbished the drinking fountains months of calendar year 2021, said the airport announcement.
Summit of the Americas April 2022 24