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Tito’s turns 25 with new activations and philanthropy
Tito’s Handmake Vodka is Casa Cuervo S.A. de C.V. had been
celebrating its 25th anniversary this appointed to distribute the brand
year with a new special label, expanded nationally across Mexico.
distribution and continued philanthropy, In March, Tito’s appointed
which has become a benchmark of its Asunción-based Grupo A.J. Vierci to
business for the Austin, Texas based introduce and represent the brand in
vodka. Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia. Also in
“We are doing special activations the region, the company announced that
and marketing to celebrate the 25th São Paulo-based Aurora Fine Brands
anniversary of Tito’s. There is a special will now distribute Tito’s in the Brazilian
25th Anniversary label for the bottle,” market.
John McDonnell, Tito’s Managing “South America is an important and
Director International, tells TMI. “I’m growing market for vodka, especially
extremely excited about the IAADFS imported brands, and we’re excited
Summit of the Americas to celebrate to expand our footprint in the region
our anniversary with our friends in the with the appointment of these two very
travel retail industry. We committed to experienced and respected distributors,”
Michael Payne when we were in Cannes said Alex Borbolla, International
that we were going to the show to make a Commercial Manager at Tito’s Handmade
statement that we support the IAADFS.” Vodka.
McDonnell tells TMI that Tito’s
business is back on the upswing in 2022. Tito’s Gives Back
“Last year we were up strong double A pillar of Tito’s business over the
digits on the year before. This year we past two and a half decades has been
will beat 2019.” its philanthropy, especially the brand’s
Tito’s has started the year Vodka for Dog People, which Tito’s
announcing a number of new distributors started to better the lives of pets and their
for the brand in Latin America. families.
In January Tito’s announced that “What did most people do when
COVID hit? They bought a dog. What
did most people do now that COVID is
over? They are giving them back to pet “We have been very active in the
welfare organizations. And that’s a huge social responsibility and sustainability
problem. So we started a program down front. I am part of a panel at the IAADFS
in Aruba to raise money for pet shelters,” Show talking about these important
says McDonnell. issues,” he added.
The company also continues
its charitable efforts for humans. In PGA Tour Partnership
December for every bottle of Tito’s that Last year, Tito’s began a multi-year
was purchased in a Duty Free Americas marketing sponsorship with the PGA
store the company donated money to Tour that named Tito’s the “Official
cerebral palsy charities. Vodka of the PGA Tour and PGA Tour
Champions.” The five-year sponsorship
will be highlighted by branded
experiences at PGA Tour tournaments
featuring exciting new activations and
signature cocktails crafted for fans.
McDonnell tells TMI this partnership
has expanded to the Dominican Republic
this year, the first country outside the
Summit of the Americas April 2022 48
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