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Special Issue

            June 2023

        ASUTIL Conference addresses a region emerging

        from crisis                                                                          INSIDE INSIDER

                                                                                               North and South American airport
                                                                                               leaders examine the importance of
                                                                                               concession partnerships

                                                                                               Bolivian fragrance specialist
         Top Brands International opened a 1,000-square-meter duty free store at Silvio Pettirossi Airport in Asuncion, Paraguay   Distribuidora Aromas expands
         in mid-2022. Featuring innovative design, the latest technology and a range of traditional, luxury and lifestyle brands, the   into full airport retailing with
                                                                                               new Duty Fly subsidiary.
         specular store has been well received by travelers. See story beginning on p. 14.

            Travel Markets Insider   IAADFS Summit of the Americas   Presidents’ Meeting held in
        is delighted to once again be   in April.                 Brasilia at the end of June.
        presenting this special magazine   TMI also examines some of   Hosted by Brazilian President
        covering Latin America to    the new airport concessions that   Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the
        coincide with the relaunch of the   have opened in the region recently  meeting brought together 11
        first ASUTIL Conference since   in Asuncion, Paraguay (Top   regional leaders and served as a
        2017.                        Brands – Luryx), Bolivia (Duty   platform for leaders to engage in
            It has certainly been a   Fly), as well as the remodeling   crucial discussions on regional
        turbulent few years with far-  taking place at Lima airport, and   cooperation.         Laura Klingeman,
        reaching changes in the global   the new duty free tender for the   Although not without its   Managing Director, SEVA IBP
        and regional business. Travel and   concession at Santiago Airport in   controversies, it was a first step
        travel retail were especially hard   Chile, among others.    addressing the complexities
        hit, and while the Latin America-  On the Supply Side, TMI   and challenges faced by South
        Caribbean region is forecast to   had an opportunity to speak with   American nations. As noted
        be one of the first to recover to   Laura Klingeman of SEVA IBP,   in Mercopress: “The outcome
        2019 levels, the industry was at   a distribution company that has   of these discussions will have
        a virtual stand-still for more than   been active in this market for   significant implications for the
        two years.                   nearly a decade. We also present   region’s future and the pursuit of
            This issue takes a hard look   an in-depth interview with   regional stability and unity.” All
        at the prospects for recovery,   David Rodiek, who now heads   of which will, of course, impact   David Rodiek,
        both in an analysis of trends from   up Brown-Forman’s travel retail   future business.   Vice President, Managing Director,
        ForwardKeys and an in-depth   business.                                                 Brown-Forman Global Travel Retail
        report of a presentation by the   The ASUTIL Conference
        ACI leaders from North and   relaunch comes on the heels   Lois Pasternak,
        South America held during the   of a historic South American   Editor/Publisher      Plus Products-People-Places
                                                                                                  The Insider View
                                                                               1                                                June 2023 ASUTIL Special Issue
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