Page 8 - ASUTIL 2023
P. 8


                Left to right: IAADFS Chairman (Dufry) Rene Riedi, ACI-North America President and CEO Kevin Burke and ACI- Latin America & the
                Caribbean Director General Rafael Echevarne.

          North and South American airport leaders examine the importance of
          concession partnerships

              In one of the critical information   the world, which has seen some of the best   “Asian traffic in Latin America is
          sessions held during the Summit of the   air travel recovery since the pandemic.   practically non-existent. We have no flights
          Americas in April,  two influential regional   Burke, discussing how the entire U.S.   to China, so we are very much sheltered
          aviation leaders shared their insights on   air system was essentially shut down on   from whatever was happening in Asia.”
          the dynamics and changing developments   April 20, 202, said: “Fast forward to today   On the other hand, Latin America has
          facing airports across North America,   and we have almost recovered.”  “an incredible air network with the U.S.
          Mexico, Central and South America and   Echevarne agreed about the   and Canada. The flows are tremendous and
          the Caribbean.                    “spectacular” aviation recovery in Latin   traffic flows keep on going up.”
              Kevin Burke, President and CEO of   America and the Caribbean, which closed   In North America on the other hand,
          Airports Council International – North   last year at 7% below 2019 figures. He   air traffic is 9% below the 2019 levels,
          America, and Rafael Echevarne, Director   highlighted Mexico, where most of the   with “the big hit” coming from the lack of
          General of Airports Council International   airports are run by the private sector, and   international traffic, particularly from Asia,
          – Latin America and the Caribbean,   some of which are currently 25% above   at both the East and West coast airports in
          discussed a range of topics including how   2019 levels.             the U.S. and Canada, said Burke.
          infrastructure demands, labor challenges,   Echevarne is very positive about   “This was a severe decrease from that
          security requirements, and regulatory   the potential for retail and duty free.   part of the world but we are seeing almost a
          hurdles are being addressed to help   Explaining that most Latin American   total recovery by 2024,” he said.
          advance the  airport concessions business.   airports are at levels below the world   “If the numbers that we see coming
              The session was moderated by   average in terms of sales per passenger   through the summer are what they are
          Rene Riedi in his role as Chair of the   and penetration (and were at lower levels   supposed to be, we should be doing fine.
          International Association of Airport & Duty   even before the pandemic struck), he said:   What happens in the fall and beyond that,
          Free Stores, starting from the premise that   “I think there’s a huge potential for the   we’re not quite sure. But compared to
          duty free and travel retail concessions are   industry in Latin America.”   where we were in 2021, when the industry
          crucial to the airports’ success.     One reason why Latin America air   was at rock bottom, we went up pretty
              Both Burke and Echevarne agreed that   traffic is recovering so fast was that the   quickly.”
          duty free concessions are an essential part   region was isolated from some international   Rene Riedi, reiterating his opening
          of the airport business model in this part of   and global trends, he noted.  remarks, said that up to 44% of airports’

          ASUTIL Special Issue June 2023                                     8
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