Page 4 - ASUTIL 2023
P. 4


          ForwardKeys Trends Report sees cautious optimism for Latin American
          international travel recovery

              Latin America is lagging behind most
          of the world in terms of international travel
          recovery, reports ForwardKeys.
              The travel and tourism sector has
          suffered great losses in the past three years
          due to Covid-19 and how governments
          approached border closures, travel rules
          and lack of flight connectivity, said the
          flight tracking agency.
              “Unlike many of its neighbors in
          Central America and the Caribbean, there
          was no open-door policy for international
          visitors or easy-to-understand measures put
          in place around the destination’s reopening
          or vaccine requirements in many Latin
          American countries. Consequently, even
          in 2022 when the world started to see
          waves of tourists returning, most of the
          region didn’t see much progress in terms
          of travel recovery,” said the ForwardKeys
          Trends Report for Latin America and the   Brazil’s capacity bottleneck   higher fares, travel intent, measured
          Caribbean issued in April.            Brazil -- the largest country in   in flight searches to Brazil, shows that
              Nevertheless, ForwardKeys sees the   Latin America and one of Americas’   demand for the destination is still high.
          promise of more international arrivals and   tourism superpowers  -- has had a tough   European markets are at the top of the most
          is cautiously optimistic about the future.   time attracting travelers back since the   active markets searching for Brazil in the
              The latest air ticket data by   reopening of international travel, says   first two months of the year.
          ForwardKeys reveals that Latin America   ForwardKeys.
          and the Caribbean are just 5% behind 2019   One problem is that limited air   Source markets, premium travel
          levels in terms of international arrivals in   capacity from the most active global source   For international arrivals to Brazil
          the first six months of 2023, helped by the   markets is impeding travel recovery in   in H1 2023, the top growing market
          strong performance of Mexico, Central   Brazil.                      is Portugal - with an increase of 90%
          America, and the Caribbean.           Planned seat capacity for international   compared with 2019 levels. Argentina
              Latin America, on the other hand,   flights to Latin America during the first   (the largest origin market) is still yet to
          is down by 24% in international arrivals   half of the year is 11% behind 2019 levels,   recover, at -55% down vs 2019. Overall,
          compared to the same period in 2019.  while for Brazil it is down by 18%. In   international departures from Argentina
              Examining the broader picture,   comparison, Colombia´s capacity for   are down by 37%, with key destinations
          international arrivals globally are an   international flights is up by 28% on 2019   like the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico all below
          average of 27% behind 2019 levels still,   figures. Looking at destination cities in   2019 levels.
          therefore Latin America is performing in   the two countries, international capacity   Interestingly, and despite the lack
          line with the global average. And some   to Bogotá is up by 22% on pre-pandemic   of connectivity, arrivals to Brazil from
          Latin American destinations are close to   levels while Sao Paulo (-12%) and Rio de   North America and Europe during this
          reaching pre-pandemic international visitor   Janeiro (-26%) in Brazil are both down.  year´s Carnival increased by 6% and 13%
          levels.                                                              compared with 2019´s edition.
              As in other parts of the world,   High air fares                    Another exciting opportunity for
          recovery is also uneven in Latin America.   The lack of connectivity to Brazil is   the sector is the resilience of the affluent
              Colombia may welcome more     not only limiting the chances of the country   segment, says ForwardKeys.
          international arrivals during the first half of   attracting more international visitors but   Overall international arrivals to Latin
          2023 than in the same period pre-pandemic.   also driving airfares higher. Fares from   America in premium cabin class in the first
          With 1% more tickets confirmed for   Europe to Colombia are increasing in   six months of 2023 are 19% below pre-
          international arrivals than in H1 2019, the   line with inflation, with air supply above   pandemic arrival levels, but tickets booked
          country is set to be the first Latin American   2019 levels in the first half of the year,   for international arrivals in premium cabin
          destination to reach full recovery.   for example, while fares from Europe in   to Brazil are only down by 10%.
              Ecuador (-14%), Argentina (-18%)   January and February to Brazil’s major   Canada is Brazil´s top growing origin
          and Brazil (-24%) will all continue below   destinations were 34% above the same   market for these ‘high-end’ travelers, with
          2019 levels for at least the first half of the   period in 2019 due to, in part, the lack of   the current ticketing situation doubling for
          year, although they are showing a marked   air supply.               arrivals in H1 2023.
          improvement into the year.            Despite the limited capacity and

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