Page 812 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 812
కҴై ࢲࢎޖࣗ
The Office of the Board of Investment is a govern-
ment agency under the Office of the Prime Minis-
ter. Its core roles and responsibilities are to pro-
mote valuable investment, both investment into
Thailand and Thai overseas investment.
BOI provides both tax and non-tax incentive such
as 1) exemption of corporate income tax for up to
13 years (according to activity and conditions) 2)
exemption of import duties on machinery and
raw/essential materials used in product for export
or used in R&D purpose 3) 100% foreign ownership
4) permit to own land 5) permit to bring in skilled
workers and experts to work into Thailand, etc. We
also provide advice and information on investment
opportunities and rules & regulations, link investors
with government agencies & private sector to facil-
itate business operation and support on industrial
linkage and sourcing of local suppliers.