Page 29 - HarambeeSociety
P. 29

A note from George Hogan founder of
                                                   Diversity FOOTprint trustee and Chair of
                                                   the Harambee Ujima Black Art and Culture
                                                   Association (The Association);
                                                   Fiduciary Thomas Merton Center/Economic Justice pro-
                                                   Harambee is part of the Bantu Swahili language of people
                                                   who said to be the native speaker. A Kenyan tradition; the

                                                   Harambee is a call of self-help; meaning “all pull together”.
                                                   Restarting the Black Arts Festival activities of 1969 in the
                      East –End of Pennsylvania from the three rivers region of the Homewood community. To-
                      day Harambee recognized as the Spirit of the Panther provides an African American trade
                      foot print; demonstrated by the arts as the catalyst promoting social and economic sustain-
                      able ‘Wellbeing’. The call of Black Power collectively talking responsibility for the matters
                      of Black Lives; represents the regional Black Diaspora tradition history of responsible trust
                      to fill mankind’s covenant  with creation.. When you think about how Harambee use of the
                      Arts as the life blood of culture. Mobilized African Americas; to help the social body to

                      convalesce from economic oppression produce by racism, power and outrageous fortunes.
                      You think of the whole region of African Americans coming together in Homewood as one
                      people. You think of the spirit of the Whole Black Diaspora of culture, and how it brings
                      harmony, a good soul, and economic justice to neighborhoods. Today The African Ameri-
                      can continues the call of Harambee with the Black Arts Festival the life blood of Black cul-
                      tural tradition to built resources; economic strength with the trust of the Black Diaspora
                      pulling everyone to come together to “Breathe life Into the Community”

                      This year the call of Harambee; Black Power is starting with Wilkinsburg mobilizing our-
                      selves again with the Black Arts Festival “Teaching the Common Unity How to Breathe
                      Again”. So we welcome all please take time to notice how well we are as a people: to
                      Breathe Again, to Love Again, to Trust Again. Harambee, Harambee, Harambee! A call of

                      our responsibility owned to ourselves fulfilled mankind’s covenant with creation.
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