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A   F A R W E L L   T O   H A R A M B E E
            U J I M A   B L A C K   A R T   A N D

           C U L T U R E   A S S O C I A T I O N ’ S

         F O U N D E R   A N D   P R E S I D E N T ,
        B R O T H E R   B A G U M B A   L O W E R Y


                 BY GEORGE HOGAN
     I   ’ve been an artist all my life. So when

         Bagumba, a person from my own
         Community of Homewood said to me,                     I trust to say Bagumba’s leadership can be
       “George, we must call the Harambee and get  simply stated, “we are a part of a team
       the Black Arts Festival back up and running             effort, there is no “I” in neither team nor
       again! This was back in 2001 and the festival  together.”  His tenacity to draw a line
       had not functioned for a decade. I reflected            against racism over the past 17 years has
       back to when I was about twelve, when the               keep Harambee Black Art Festival on
       Harambee, a “sibling” of the Black Power                course. I believe I speak for the entire
       Movement of the 60s, first called the                   Association’s board in saying, Thanks, MY
       Pittsburgh Community together. At about 17  BROTHER, for your call to the community,
       years of age I was asked by the Together,               “To come together!!”  The Harambee
       INC Committee to make a poster for the                  breathes life into America, reminding us
       Black Arts Festival. When I was in the 11th             how well we are as a people. Harambee
       grade I joined the Harambee Art Movement.               Ujima has brought a model of pride and
       Bagumba explained, “Our children have                   dignity to American Black Culture. Building
       never seen the Harambee tradition.” And I               the Association’s capacity has reminded
       remember, as a kid, that this was the only              everyone that Black Lives Do Matter!
       festival in Pittsburgh, at the time and I
       zoomed all over Homewood.                               We are not sure on how to say “Good Bye”
                                                               to Bagumba because at Harambee there are
       Today the Harambee Festival is boastfully               no “Good Byes” since social responsibility
       rated as being the 3rd largest black festival           is a Life Time commitment. This is a
       in the nation! Bagumba points out, “The                 heartfelt “Thank You” for your service to
       Harambee Black Arts Festival is legendary               the community. It is good to know that,
       because it creatively accentuated how Black  although many of our youth had never seen
       folks worked collectively, taking                       a Harambee, they are beginning to take
       responsibility for their own lives.                     over the planning and execution of the Arts
       He sent out the call, “Now is the time!                 Festival.  Brother, we, too, will follow your
       Together we must take on the responsibility  leadership and join you shortly in
       to show our children the Harambee spirit!”              retirement – coming to the festival and also
       Consequently, in 2001 Bagumba founded the  sitting on our lawn chairs. Because
       Harambee Ujima Black Art and Cultural                   Yesterday brought the Beginning,
       Association and an all-volunteer board was              Tomorrow brings the End. And, somewhere
       formed.  After serving 11 years as chair,               in the Middle we all became the best of
       Bagumba became President in 2013.                       friends. Peace, Brother Bagumba!
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