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Y O U T H S P O T L I G H T : N A S I R B U T L E R
Words by Lawanda Long
Nasir played the part of the infamous Jean
Valjean in Les Miserablés; his performance in
the Pittsburgh CAPA high school musical
really showcased his voice when he sang
“Bring Him Home.” This performance won
him the 2018 Gene Kelly’s Best Actor Award
and sent him to New York City, for the
Jimmy Awards, to compete on Broadway.
Nasir has a great sense of his family,
community, service, and putting in the work
to get the job done. His life experiences
have shaped him into a well-rounded young
People use the term “It Takes a Village to
Nasir is a Pittsburgh native, born and raised Raise a Child”, this has never been truer than
in Homewood. He attended Helen Faison in the case of Nasir Butler. From pre-school
Elementary; Pittsburgh Minadeo, where he to present, he has had the support of his
participated in his first talent show, singing family, the school system and his community
Bruno Mars “Grenade"; and Pittsburgh CAPA behind him. Nasir is looking forward to
for middle and high school, where he continuing his love for the arts at Oberlin
sparked his love for musical theater. College in the fall.
He started singing with the Afro American
Music Institute, at the age of nine years old.
As the years went by, his voice went from
sounding like Michael Jackson, to a sound
that has so much depth and power,
reminiscent of Paul Robeson. His natural
God given talents have been a joy to hear
over the years whether he was singing with
AAMI Boys Choir (9 yrs), Mendelssohn/Bach
Choir (2 yrs), African-American Heritage
Parade (3yrs), Harambee Black Arts Festival
(4 yrs), or on his own.