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Dependent Eligibility Requirements
Know Who is Eligible for Benefits
Read this section to be clear on who is eligible for coverage. If you add or maintain dependents who are not eligible to be on your HCSC benefit coverage, you may have violated the Corporate Code of Conduct and be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of employment.
Dependent Verification Required
All dependents added to your benefits will be verified. HCSC uses Alight Services, an independent company, to provide dependent eligibility verification services for employees who add dependents to their medical, dental and vision coverage. If you add a dependent to your coverage, Alight will send a letter to your mailing address on file regarding required documents and deadline dates for submitting documentation. If you don’t respond by the deadline, the dependent will be removed from your coverage.
A list of eligibility rules and documents required to verify your dependents can be found on myHR under Benefits/Benefits Eligibility.
Eligible Dependents
Eligible dependents for medical, dental and vision coverage include:
• Legal spouse
• Party to a civil union (recognized in Illinois)
• Common-law spouse (recognized in Montana, Oklahoma and Texas)
• Qualified domestic partners
• Children (natural, legally adopted children, stepchildren, legal guardianship and children you have via civil union)
• Please visit myHR for documentation needed or domestic partner’s children to be considered eligible for coverage.
When a Dependent Becomes Ineligible
When your dependent no longer meets the definition of an eligible dependent (for example, if you divorce your spouse or your child turns 26), you must submit the required documentation to Employee Services within 31 days of the date of the event that caused your dependent to become ineligible. Your dependent will be removed from your coverage and if appropriate, notified of his or her rights to continue coverage under COBRA.
Situations Requiring a myHR Case
Create a case in myHR to submit documentation for any of the following dependent categories:
Military Veteran Dependents
You may cover your unmarried military veteran dependent child who:
• Is under age 30
• Has served in the active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces (including National Guard)
• Has received a release or discharge other than a dishonorable discharge
• Isfinanciallysupportedbyyou(atleast50percentof their support)
Dependent Children ofYour Children
These children are eligible if your child meets the definition of children listed in this section and is enrolled as a dependent on your coverage. The child of your dependent child must qualify as your tax dependent and you must submit an affidavit of tax dependent when requested.
Grandchildren are not eligible dependents unless:
• The children are under your legal guardianship and guardianship papers have been provided to Employee Services, OR
• The children meet the criteria for dependents of dependent children stated above