P. 11

August 10  -13   2023                                      11
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia
                          Congress Informa on

       Opening Hours & Loca on

       1. Registration counter opens on 10 August 2023 (Thursday) form 07:00 WIB
       2. The registration counter is located in the Lobby of Rinjani.
       3. Participants will be given a QR code during registration on the first day
           10 August 2023 (Sunday).
       4. Prepare your cellular phone to scan the QR code.
           Prayer Rooms for Muslims (Male & Female)  Level 1
           Fitness Centre and Spa              Level 2, access near the swimming pool

           Gi  Shop and Souvenir               Levels 1 and 2
           Sembalun and Bayan Restaurants      Level 1
           Senaru Restaurants                  Level 2
           Swimming pool and garden area       Level 1

       Badges & Congress Bag

       1. Each participant will receive a name badge and a Congress bag containing a
           souvenir program  book, lanyard, pen, etc.
       2. In your name badge, the committee provides a coupon that you can use to take
           photos at the 360 booths. The committee will send the photos via email.
       3. There will be an interesting door prize if you manage to get signature and stamps
           from sponsors in all of our sponsor booths, paper for signatures and stamps from
           sponsors included in your congress bag.

       Book of Abstracts
       Book of Abstracts are available to download on the Congress website
       Cer ficates

       Electronic certificates can be downloaded after Congress in your registration account

       The username and password will be announced during the conference
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