P. 14

August 10  -13   2023                                      14
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia
     Welcome Message by the President of AFISMI

                         Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

                         It  is  a  great  pleasure  for  the  Indonesian  Associa on  of  Physicists  in
                         Medicine (AFISMI) to contribute in organizing an 21st SEACOMP and 6th
                         PIT FMB in Lombok Raya, Mataram. This event is an excellent opportunity
                         for member of AFISMI to par cipate and contribute to an interna onal
                         scien fic  conference  where  they  can  meet  and  interact  with  our
                         colleagues from ASEAN countries and beyond.
                         AFISMI  and  the  Indonesian  Alliance  of  Medical  Physics  Educa onal
     Ins tu ons (AIPFMI) have regularly organized a na onal scien fic mee ng in Medical Physics and
     Biophysics, star ng in 2017 in Depok with Universitas Indonesia as the host. Since then, we have
     managed to keep the con nuity of this event by holding it in Semarang for 2nd na onal mee ng
     (2018), Bali for 3rd mee ng (jointly held with 17th SEACOMP in 2019), Makassar for 4th na onal
     mee ng (2021), and Malang for 5th na onal mee ng (2022).

     A er the official recogni on by the government in 2007, the number of medical physicists in
     Indonesia as health professional is growing rapidly in 5 years.  Currently, we have around 700 clinical
     medical physicists working in radiotherapy, diagnos c and interven onal radiology, and nuclear
     medicine departments. In addi on, we have around 150 medical physicists working in universi es,
     regulatory bodies, research ins tu ons, and service companies.
     In 2020, the Ministry of Health has regulated that an Indonesian medical physicist's, at minimum,
     has to hold bachelor’s degree of Physics or Nuclear Engineering with addi onal professional training
     in medical physics.  This is both a good chance and a challenge for AFISMI and the universi es to
     conduct  the  harmonized  medical  physics  professional  training  in  coopera on  with  na onal
     stakeholders and the interna onal community.

     In 2023, AFISMI was involved in the steering commi ee for na onal transforma ve program in
     Health especially for Cancer. It is an ambi us project of our government of Indonesia to provide
     excellent health facili es for cancer treatment. We, AFISMI, would like to convey our special thanks
     to our Minister of Health who has decided to provide scholarships for medical physics professional
     educa on both at general and specialist levels as part of the endeavour to make available cancer
     health service in all provinces throughout the na on.

     On behalf of AFISMI, I would also like to thank our Honorable Governor of West Nusa Tenggara who
     has supported this mee ng leading to its success. I would like to thank the plenary and invited
     speakers from overseas and several Indonesian ins tu ons who have supported this conference.
     My hear elt gra tude to all AFISMI members, SEAFOMP members, and all par cipants a ending
     this joint 21st SEACOMP and 6th PIT FMB. I thank also all our sponsors who has supported this
     Finally, I congratulate all commi ee members from AFISMI and Universi es for this
     successful mee ng. We hope that all of you have an excellent conference and mee ng.

     Wasalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
     Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, Ph.D.
     President, AFISMI
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