P. 31

August 10  -13   2023                                      31
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia

       Ge ng Around Lombok

       The Gili Islands
                                   All three islands feature; superb, white sandy
                                   beaches, crystal clear water, spectacular coral reefs,
                                   and the best snorkeling and diving. Visitors from all
                                   over the world are a racted to the simple pleasures
                                   of sun, snorkeling, diving, beau ful beaches, and
                                   socializing. The absence of cars, motorcycles, and
                                   hawkers adds greatly to the leisure of staying on the
                                   Gilis – although there is now a wide range of
       accommoda on available, the islands have maintained the lazy rus c charms of a
       tropical paradise.

       Kuta Beach & South Lombok
                                Kuta Beach Lombok a ract visitors for its beau ful
                                virgin beaches and surfing spots. Surfers from all over
                                the world find Kuta Lombok as a surfer paradise. South
                                coast of Lombok is famous for the high waves and Kuta
                                Lombok is a good base for the surfers. Many visitors
                                come back year a er year to surf the famous Kuta
                                waves. Whether you are an experienced surfer or a
                                beginner you will find the surf spot for you. Surf boards
       & boogie boards are available to rent or bring your own. You will need transport to
       the waves from Kuta, most guests choose to rent motorcycles which come with a
       special surf rack a ached.

       Rinjani Na onal Park
                                Mt. Rinjani forms the second highest volcanic peak in
                                Indonesia, part of celebrated “Ring of Fire”. The drama c
                                landscape has been created over millions of year of
                                cone-building, violent explosions, and erosion. Forested
                                slopes rising directly from the sea create their own
                                weather pa ern and act as water-collectors for the
                                whole of Lombok. Mount Rinjani is an ac ve volcano on
                                Lombok,  Indonesia. It rises to 3,726 m (12,224  ),
                      making it the third-largest volcano in Indonesia. The first historical
                      erup on occurred in September of 1847.
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