P. 33

August 10  -13   2023                                      33
                   Hotel Lombok Raya, Lombok, Indonesia

       Ge ng Around Lombok
       Useful Words and Conversa on
         Berapa jauh jarak dari hotel ke Gili Trawangan?  How far is the distance from the hotel to Gili Trawangan?
        One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,  Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan,
                    ten, hundred                         sepuluh, seratus
          Thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand  Seribu, sepuluh ribu, seratus ribu
                   Left, to the left                      Kiri, ke kiri
                  Right, to the right                    Kanan, ke kanan
                     High, low                           Tinggi, rendah
                   Above, below                           Atas, bawah
                   Floor, 7th floor                    Lantai, lantai 7 (tujuh)
                     Restaurant                       Rumah makan/restoran
                    Credit card                           Kartu kredit
                      Cashier                               Kasir
                       Bill                                  Bon
                    I want to pay                        Saya mau bayar
                       Cash                                 Tunai
                     Hospital                             Rumah sakit
                       Sick                                 Sakit
                     Headache                             Sakit kepala
                    Stomachache                           Sakit perut
                  Dislocated, twisted                       Terkilir
                  I twisted my hands                    Tangan saya terkilir
                     Please …                              Silakan …
                     Excuse me                              Maaf
                      Help !!!                             Tolong !!!
                  Where is the toilet?                  Di mana toiletnya?
                     No, Yes                               Tidak, Ya
                     Sugar, salt                          Gula, garam
                    Coffee, tea                            Kopi, teh
                    Rice, bread                            Nasi, roti
                     Hot, cold                            Panas, dingin
                Milk, orange, chocolate                 Susu, jeruk, coklat
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