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First introduced in 1942, CAV Systems has continuously been innovating on the leading edge ever since. We are incredibly proud of our achievements and the TKS system which is used to help aid anti- icing, but can also help with de-icing on aircrafts, as the TKS fluid breaks the bond between ice and frame, allowing the system to shed any accumulated ice and prevent any ice build-up thereafter.
We are really pleased to share some of the images from recent events with you and please do let us know if you have any images or memories of TKS you would like to share.
Organising the celebration events was a proper team effort, and we would like to extend our thanks to the project team for putting it all together.
We also need to thank Mark Davidson, Ian Jackson, Andy English, Alex Baty, and Michael Fox for setting up and delivering the tours. Informative and educational, as a result of their success we will be looking to deliver similar tours in the future to local schools and students as it a great way to highlight the specialist work we do and what it is like to work for an engineering company specialising in ice protection.
Our charity raffle was a huge success, and we'd like to thank Neil Crossan, Laura Cranney, Andy Bell and Daniel Czarnomski for their kind donations.
In total we raised for £673 for the Henry Dancer Days charity. Everyone was so generous, and the funds for this very worthy cause have been gratefully received.
Congratulations to everyone who won a prize. Details of the winning tickets follow for reference.
It isn't every day we celebrate such a huge milestone that is why we produced materials to be seen well into the future, and the anniversary logo has been proudly shown at a variety of exhibitions including Farnborough and EAA Airventures Oshkosh.
We also know that our commemorative gifts have been a huge hit so don't be surprised if you see people sporting a TKS band T shirt at future events. If anyone didn't receive a T shirt please contact marketing. Thanks everyone and happy anniversary TKS!