Page 131 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 131
And soone enough from local shyres ende
To Sonderlonde, to see the laddes they wende, The hooly grail promocioun for to seke
But sooth to say to winne just one matche eek.
Bifel that in December on a day,
In Son’londe at Fitzgeralds as I lay
Redy to wenden on my pilgrimage
To see the laddes play with supreme courage, And than were come into that hostelrye
Wel almost twentye in a companye
Of sundry laddes, by a-venture y-falle
In felawshipe, and players were they alle.
Me thinketh it ful rightful to resound
To telle yow al the condicioun
Of some of hem, or as it semed to me,
And how they were and of whiche degree, And eek in what clothyng that they were inne; So with the Quinn than wol I first beginne.
A Quinn there was and he a worthy man That fro the season that he first began
To play the gayme he ay dyde love to score, He and golde-boote Phyllips ay scored more. Ful redy was he in the worlde of dance
And therto was he y-clepped Dysco Pantes. He cam with Drumaville fro Irelonde