Page 133 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 133
Untyl he went withoute to walke his hounde. As scoler both of Fergye and eek Cluf
Wel I woot he hadde lernt wel enuf.
Yet sikerly he was of greet disport
And ful pleasaunt and amiable of port. And he was clad in cote and trousers blak Whil in his hand of ale ther was a lack.
I trow he cam from Corke in Irelonde And he it was that led this mery bonde.
A Yorke ther was and he was y-clepped Dwight. I trow he was enamoured of the nighte.
Ful wel beloved and famulier was he
With manye girles overall his contree.
So hoote he lovede that sooth to telle the tale He slepte no more than dyde a nightyngale. In felawshipe wel coude he laughe and carpe, It liste him muche to dance to lute and harpe. And certainly he had a mery note,
Wel coude he singe and pleyen on a rote.
Keano had wel wiste him at Man U
And hadde maad him midfielde maister newe.
A not-heed had he underneathe his hoode Brightlee shone his bootes and his hose wer goode.
And sondry othes felawes wer there eek But to telle yow of al woude tak a weeke. Wallyce, Varge, Warde and Dean Whitheed,