Page 132 - 368603 LP250721 AWY AWY AWY Book (238pp A5)
P. 132

                And ay is honoured for his worthy stonde. Ful oftetyme he wiste he was ne righte
As manayger; he, wel I woot, was shyte. As relegacioun started to be sene
This Quinn dyde somhow conjur up Roye Keane. But for to tellen yow of his array
His hors were goode and his breeches gay.
The Nuggsy was a stout carl for the nones,
Ful big he was of brawn and eek of bones
And that was wel, for overall he met
At tacklyng he woude ay be worth a bet.
He was tall-sholdred, brood and thicke of necke, Ther was no dore that his advance coude checke Or breke it at a rennyng with his heed.
He was a mighty hero ay indeede.
Fro Gyllinghame he cam I heard hem tell And, sooth to say, at first he was ne well
But soone under the governaunce of Keane The fannes beheld a man they hadde ne seen. He ay sang in the shoures ful and cleere
And was a mery felawe whan in beer.
And Keano was ther with us in that place That somtyme hadde a stoony drery face. With bittre Gorgon ye and greying berd, Of his visage players were aferd.
Whan he strode the roome ther was no sounde 124

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