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                                    A MONTH%u00a319FROMONLYHello,Right now, you are probably on part fibre broadband, so not getting the levels of speed and reliability you deserve. A recent Ofcom study revealed that almost 50% of homeowners mistakenly think they have full fibre^. This isn't surprising as some brands have been calling their products 'fibre' broadband, when in fact it's a mix of fibre and old copper telephone lines.Enough is enough, Gigaclear's 100% full fibre goes direct to your property %u2013 making it up to 15x fasterand 5x more reliable than the part fibre alternatives. Plus you could save up to %u00a3233 compared to BT part fibre when you upgrade. What are you waiting for? Check out our out of this world October offers and switch today!Thank youDominic HonesCommunity Engagement Team ManagerSTILL USING OLD TELEPHONE LINE BROADBAND?Ready to switch it up? Visit or call our UK sales team on 0370 224 8912When full fibre is available to your home
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