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                                    Elklan. Speech and Language Support for 3-5s%u00a9 Elklan Training Limited 2023 230S10(Slide 297)Use the slide and information in the handout to explain.%u2022 Stammering can impact on someone's thoughts and feelings%u2022 Stammering can be concealed.10.6.0 STAMMERING BETWEEN THE AGES OF 3-5 YEARS(Slide 298)%u2022 Begins typically between 2-4 years as a child%u2019s language is rapidly developing.%u2022 It%u2019s onset can be sudden or gradual and neither indicate whether a child will orwill not continue to stammer.%u2022 An equal number of boys and girls start to stammer but more girls stop stammering and by adulthood the ratio is 4:1.%u2022 About 8% of children will stammer at some point.%u2022 About 1-2% of adults stammer, so many children stop stammering naturally.%u2022 Bilingualism doesn%u2019t cause stammering; non fluency can be a typical part of 2nd language learning.
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