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An unrelenting focus on the strategic leadership and culture of the Trust.
• ThesharingoftheTrust’sChartertoembedthevision,valuesandethosandcreateaunityofpurpose,consistency of practice and collaboration across all members of the ALP family.
• High expectations to be communicated across all stakeholders with regard to the intellectual challenge required for every child.
• Professional learning and leadership to be at the core of the Trust. Professional development that leads to opportunities for career progression creates a culture of reflection, aspiration, and inspiration across all layers of staff.
• Leaders within the Trust to be tasked with the development of others. “Leaders grow leaders”.
• Systems and structures that facilitate individual leadership, school improvement and evaluation to be highly effective and embedded across ALP.
• ATrustfocusonengagementandcommunicationwithallstakeholders.Toembraceandshareideas,percep- tions and concepts to enhance the engagement and value of ALP.
• Build partnerships and collaborations both internally and externally. Establish the highest level of cooperation, risk free collaborations and engagement to progress the educational experiences and achievement of children.
• Purposeful Governance to continually focus beyond the meeting of statutory duties and financial effectiveness onto the development of ALP as a growing, outstanding provider of the highest level of education.
Laying the foundations
Clear strategic direction supported by strong and effective school improvement, financial and governance structures.