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Create a shared, inclusive, and effective structure and vision for growth.
• Schools’ growth in terms of facilities investment to be evaluated. Investment in large scale projects to enable children across the Trust to have access to the high-quality learning environments across the curriculum.
• Schools’ growth in terms of structural capacity to be evaluated. All schools within the Trust attempt to enable access to the school for every child who wishes to attend.
• Schools’ growth in terms of leadership capacity. ALP will further enhance its leadership development pro- grammes, investment in external collaborations and personalised career stage progression and opportunities.
• ALP lateral growth will extend its school improvement team structure to include bespoke support in key aspects of educational performance in both academic and personal development areas.
• ALP lateral growth will see the school improvement model of support diversify into the separate areas of educa- tional provision (Primary, Secondary, Special and Alternative).
• ALP lateral growth will enhance its collaborative networks across the Ofsted evaluation schedule to lead best practice.
• ALP lateral growth will see investment in Trust wide evaluation of schools, central support, and staff to ensure the Board can hold the executive to account.
• ALP lateral growth will see ALP establishing forums, programmes, and collaboration for schools external to the Trust. The Trust will support the development of leaders, a network of research-based schools and professional forums for educational sharing of best practice.
• Sector growth: ALP will increase its family of schools. Growth will be underpinned through a clear strategy and principle.
• Sector growth: ALP will seek collaborations with special and alternative educational provisions. The sharing of leadership and sector specific best practice will lead to ALP supporting a fully inclusive educational provision.
Purposeful Growth
Investment in leadership capacity, development and internal scalable systems to support strategic growth.
Future success requires stability, flexibility, development and highly effective working practices.
• The wellbeing of staff will be at the core of the Trust and school leadership.
• Leadership structures across the ALP School Improvement Team, Central Support, and Governance to be finan- cially effective. Financial impacts and value for money to underpin all strategies and investments.
• Financial investment in resources, staffing and infrastructure will be evaluated through the Trust Board.
• A strategic approach to leadership development and succession planning. Internal investment in staff with a well- defined vision of leadership structures and requirements.
• School leadership will be systematically supported, challenged, and held accountable.
• Safeguarding is effective across Trust, schools, and staff. Effective systems of accountability, statutory require- ments and best practice are embedded.
• The Trust will work with the DfE, LA and RSC to ensure that ALP is serving the needs of its children in the most effective way and in line with local, regional, and national requirements.
• ALP will seek external scrutiny to ensure it is challenged to constantly improve its impact and effectiveness.
Achieving Sustainability
Strong central support enabling financial efficiency whilst ensuring the delivery of the Trust vision.

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