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The Trust vision of development and quality of education to be secured by highly effective staffing, staffing structures and systems.
• The ALP Executive, Partners, Strategic Leaders and Directors layers of leadership to be structured and focussed on School Improvement, Trust Growth and Central Support.
• The leadership of the ALP Central Support Team to focus on the career development and investment in the bespoke professional development of staff.
• Governance structure to ensure that school improvement is held accountable at all layers of governance whilst growth is robustly scrutinised, and the direction of the Trust clearly communicated.
• Central Support to ensure clear and effective lines of communication with all schools and the ALP Executive Team. Processes to be time and outcome effective for school leaders.
• Central Support to further invest in scalable systems of reporting and evaluating. The evidential infrastructure that enables time effective decision making (financial and business) to be effective for the current ALP schools as well as future proofed for growth.
• The Trust School Improvement Team to create career opportunities for outstanding leaders at all levels, who impact on educational standards across the Trust whilst ensuring that individual schools maintain their outstanding staff.
• Educational progression across the Trust requires the ALP School Improvement Team to have capacity, staffing expertise and structures to embrace and embed educational research.
Operationalising Services
Ensure the learning of a child is supported by highly effective and professional teams of experts coupled with high quality systems and technology.
Excellent education for all children across all Trust schools.
• Investment in the infrastructure, hardware, and educational research making the best use of technology to enable every pupil access to learning, regardless of personal circumstances.
• The Trust and all schools to be focussed on Teaching and Learning. Keeping learning and pedagogy at the core, to maximise achievement and outcomes.
• Purposeful teaching to support, guide and enable pupil collaboration, personalised innovation, and the embedding of technological advances.
• Educational research groups to be embedded across both the internal and external collaborative networks.
• Principledcurriculumdesignacrosscurriculum,co-curriculum,andenrichmentacrosstheTrust.Thedevelop- ment of an “ALP Legacy” structure that will invest in a broad range of opportunities and experiences that ALP children will remember throughout their adult lives.
• Trust evaluation of Personal Development with a specific focus and annual evaluation on CEIAG to ensure every child progresses into meaningful and valued employment, training, and education.
• Robust quality assurance and evaluation that monitors and then supports high quality teaching and learning in the curriculum.
• Staff career stage leadership programmes to inspire and prepare future leaders within the ALP Trust.
• Unrelenting focus on the achievement and outcomes of all pupils with a focus on the disadvantaged. Trust academic networks for staff and pupils alongside Trust investment in intervention, support, and external expertise.
• The learning environment established as positive and orderly. The Trust will “Catch people getting it right”.
Ensuring Excellence
Recruiting, developing, and retaining talented staff. Pedagogical principles, sharing best practice across ALP. Culture of purposeful learning. Encouraging, assessing, and scaling up innovation.

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