Page 14 - PBMA SHS Handbook
P. 14

PBMA SHS HANDBOOK                                                 Page 14


      A student may place under character probation if:
        1. He/she incurred 15 or more tardiness
        2. He/she has been reported and was found guilty of committing major offenses
        3. He/she receives a failing grade in Character/Deportment.
        4. He/she habitually or grossly violated school policies regulations, rules and
        minor offenses.

      The character Probation imposed on as student may be lifted on the following
        1. The student's grade has highly improved and he/she has not incurred a failing
        grade Character/Deportment during the year probation.
         2. He/she has not committed or got involved in violations, infraction of school
        rules and regulations and minor and major offense.


      A. Nouns of Behavior on Campus
        1. No student is allowed to leave the school premises during class hours until
        dismissal unless he/she has a written permission from the Adviser.
        2. Smoking  anywhere,  at  any time,  within  the  school  premises  is  strictly
        3. Food and drinks may be consumed only in the canteen and in designated
        4. Students  should help  keep  the  school  campus  clean  and  smoke-free.  All
        refuse, paper cups, and food bags, etc., must be thrown in thrashcans, dust bins
        and other receptacles provided for this purpose, located in strategic places in
        the school.
        5. Littering and wring on walls or desks is strictly prohibited.
        6. Students are not allowed in the following areas: Faculty room, corridors, stair-
        ways and       ramps during classes or break time.
        7. Students are discouraged to bring big amount of money, valuables like cell
        phones and other gadgets not needed in school. The school is not responsible
        for lost money, valuables or any articles in the campus.
        8. Bringing domesticated pets are not allowed.
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