Page 15 - PBMA SHS Handbook
P. 15
B. Nouns and Behavior in the Classroom
In order to promote a culture of respect in the school community, all students
are expected to observe or abide by the following guidelines on discipline:
I. Observe the values of politeness, etiquette, and courtesy in with all the
members of PBMA community and its visitors. Statements and actions, which
are indicative of respect for differences in gender, sexual orientation, race, and
religious and political beliefs, are highly valued.
2. Respect people regardless of sex, creed, race, status, condition, and political
3. Dress according to individual taste, yet consider the educational character of
PBMA and the sensibilities of other members of the academic community.
4. Silence and order in the classroom must always be observed.
5. Students should not leave the classroom during class hours or period intervals
nor make classroom visitation. Going out for personal necessities is allowed
provided that he/she wears the classroom pass given by the adviser.
6. Students must refrain from chewing gum or eating in the classroom.
Drinks and food stuff must be consumed in the canteen.
7. Cleanliness and orderliness must be maintained by all.
8. Conservation and care of school materials, resources and school properties
must be observed. A student who breaks or damages an item shall be held
responsible and accountable for the damage. If the responsibility cannot be
pinpointed, the whole class will be held responsible
9. Forgery, falsification and/or tampering of school records, credentials or notic-
es of kind are prohibited.
10. Ridiculing, mocking, loitering, running around or wrestling is prohibited. Jokes
or pranks involving hiding or destroying what belongs to another is unbecoming
of a student, as is yelling, belly dancing or wild guffawing and use of profane or
vulgar words.
11. Interruptions during class hours for announcements, notices, etc., are not
allowed unless with written permission.