Page 6 - PBMA SHS Handbook
P. 6
B. Tardiness
1. A student is late or tardy if he/she is not in the line formation for the Flag Cere-
mony at all.
2. The school gate will be closed thirty (30) minutes after the official time of the
class; therefore, student shall be in school on/before the thirty minutes grace
period or else he/she will not be allowed to enter the school for that day.
3. Three (3) occurrences of tardiness will be recorder as one (l) day absence.
4. If the student is not inside the classroom or designated area of learning
during the checking of attendance at the start of every subject, he/she is
considered late for the certain subject.
5. If fifteen (15) occurrences of tardiness, and he/she has no valid reason,
he/she will be issued behavioral agreement by the adviser approved by the
school head.
6. After issuance of behavioral agreement and actions of the students is still
unchanged, he/she shall receive a failing grade for the subject.
C. Leaving the School during Class Hours
1. A student may be allowed to leave the school during class hours if he/she has
a temporary gate pass issued by the Adviser and the Principal.
2. The temporary gate pass will be issued to any student for the following
reasons only:
a. Sickness, accidents or sudden feeling of physical discomfort as advised
by the school clinic personnel.
b. Death and sickness in the family.
c. Sickness or confinement of a parent or a first-degree kin where the
presence of a student is needed or requested.
d. Other emergency or important and unavoidable reasons stated in letter
by the parents or guardian. She will also be accompanied by an adult or
his/her service will bring him home.
e. A student who leaves the school during, class hours without a temporary
gate pass signed by the duty authorized school authority will be under the
disciplinary measure.