Page 7 - PBMA SHS Handbook
P. 7

PBMA SHS HANDBOOK                                                 Page 07

      V. SCHOOL I.D.

          1. The identification card of the student signifies that he/she is a registered
          student of Prime Brilliant Minds Academy.

          2. Any student borrowing/lending his/her ID will be given a disciplinary sanction.

          3. Student should not put any stickers or other accessories on his/her ID.
          4. Student who's not wearing his/her ID will not be admitted inside the campus.
          Lost ID should be reported immediately to the Class Adviser for possible
          replacement and shall be charged for it.


          1. Value of discipline is also represented by wearing proper uniform at the spec-
          ified days of the weeks (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) while inside the
          campus and when attending authorized off campus activities.

          2. PBMA T-shirt must be used during Tuesday and Thursday. Unavailability of
          PBMA T-shirt with valid reason shall be replaced by plain white T-shirt; other
          color of T-shirts especially the printed ones, are not allowed.
          3. The school uniform must not be worn in public places and gatherings that
          will put the school at a disadvantaged position.


      All students are required to maintain a decent haircut and hair color. Hair Inspection
      shall be done every first Monday of the month. Students who fail to abide the rules
      shall be given disciplinary sanction.

      FEMALE:                                MALE:
      a. Bangs must not reach the eyebrows.  a. The hair when hanging freely must
                                             not be beyond the standard shirt collar.
      b. Fancy hair is prohibited.
                                             b. The hair when pulled down must not
      c. Tinting or dyeing of hair is prohibited.
                                             go beyond the eyebrows.
      d. Permanent tattoo is not allowed.
                                             c. Wearing of earrings is not allowed.
      e. Wearing of make-up/lipstick must be
                                             d. Tinting or dyeing of hair is prohibited.
      avoided except  during certain school
      activities where it is permitted.      e. Permanent tattoo is not allowed.
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