Page 11 - StrategenArticle
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Complex Language

               In the intricate world of legal contracts, the clarity of language is not just a preference; it's a necessity.
               Amid the dense thicket of legalese that characterizes many legal documents, there's a growing movement
               towards  simplicity  and  understandability—a movement  underscored  by the  transformative  efforts  of
               organizations such as GE in retooling their legal departments to embrace plain language. This shift towards
               simplification isn't merely cosmetic; it's a strategic overhaul aimed at enhancing comprehension, reducing
               disputes, and streamlining legal processes.

               In Canada, the push for plain language and accessibility in communications, including contracts, is evident
               through various initiatives and resources provided by the government. The Government of Canada has
               outlined the importance of plain language to ensure communications are clear, accessible, and easy for
               the public to understand. This approach is designed to make written communications more effective and
               accessible,  aiming  to  enhance  the  clarity  and  usability  of  government  documents  for  all  Canadians,
               including in the context of contracts.

               Additionally, the Privy Council Office in Canada has initiated a plain language Community of Practice,
               which is a network of communications professionals working to help public servants communicate more
               effectively in plain language. This initiative emphasizes the government's commitment to breaking down
               barriers  and  improving  communication  with  the  public,  including  the  simplification  of  legal  and
               contractual documents.

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