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                    The Cornerstone
                    Of Our Family

                 y son Yohan proudly  ed approach to life. Her tinkling
           Mtells his second grade  laughter still rings in my ears.
        classmates in Atlanta that his      Growing up, I was intrigued
        great grandmother is more than  to know more about Ammaachy’s
        a 100 years old. He informs them,  childhood and her life. As a kid,
        rather sagely, that this is how life  part of my curiosity was fuelled
        is - we will all live to be 100 years  by learning that she was born in
        old, like her, and have the soft-  1918, which seemed like aeons
        est, most delicate hands like her.  to me! After all, I had just learnt
        Ammaachy, as she is known in  in school that the first aircraft
        the family, is the gold standard  flight was in 1903, 15 years be-
        for him when it comes to old age.  fore she was born. What was life
           But then, she is a shining ex-  back then in Nedungadappally,
        ample for the rest of the burgeon-  a small village in Kerala where
        ing family too. I aspire to have  she lived? I would keep asking
        her quiet tenacity and light-heart-  her seemingly trivial questions -

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