Page 52 - Trial book with audio
P. 52
(this included her children and and gave her much-needed suc-
grandchildren) to be together as cour.
one big family.” Such a simple Ammaachy does the same for
and loving message that all her my father now and it is amply
children follow. reciprocated. I love it when he
Ammaachy was a pillar of comes to meet us on his annual
hope for my mother. In the early vacation and tells us after a few
years when she wanted parental weeks that he needs to get back to
advice or needed someone to talk India because Ammaachy needs
to, Ammaachy would patiently him. I think it’s the other way
listen to her. Later, when Mum- around.
my fell seriously ill and needed Liju Jacob
strength and faith, Ammaachy S/o Jacobkutty, Atlanta, USA
would come and stay with her
A Woman Of Strength
feel privileged to be a part is the anchor of this family and
I f this family. Ammaachy’s holds it together.
life inspires me to be the best ver- Suzana
sion of myself. Every time she W/o Liju, Ernakulam, Alakkal Family,
smiles and prays for us, I know Atlanta, USA
we are blessed in abundance. She