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P. 59


                    A Ray of Sunshine

                 mmachi is the grand- imaginable age of 103. Frankly,
            Amother who breaks the  most of us would have given up
          mold of the typical grandmother.  trying to be nice way before this
          She’s so positive, humorous and  age, but not Ammachi. Everyone
          kind, with nary a thought for  who speaks to her always comes
          herself. Rather, she’s concerned  away with a smile and a load of
          about being a burden to others.  positivity. That itself makes her
          Every time we talk to her, we  an incredibly rare person and
          are a little ashamed that we don’t  we are lucky to have her as our
          share even a small percentage  grandmother.
          of her optimism and rather, we                           Sethu
          are so quick to moan about our      W/o Sibu, Ernakulam Madaparambil Family,
          lives. She’s touched the lives of                       Dubai, UAE
          so many people and continues to                      S/o Sibu & Sethu
          be an inspiration even at the un-

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