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P. 64

I Admire the

                    Way She Prays

             t fills me with great joy to  I can give back to her is to lead
           Iwrite a few words about  a life the way she has taught us.
        Ammachy on the occasion of
        her  birthday.  I  thank  God  for   I wish Ammachy good
        giving her these wonderful years    health all the way,
        to spend with her children,         Stay as you are till the grace,
        grandchildren and great grand-      With that radiance on
        children.                           your face,
           Her life has been a role mod-    I know you are the best….
        el to us. With her ever-smiling     Ammachy, I love you
        face, I wonder how she does it      so much….
        all through the day and to ev-      So loving is your touch
        eryone. Her love, care and ded-     and hug….
        ication to the family has kept      Happy Birthday to you…..!!!!!
        us  all  together.  She  has  taught
        us the value of family through                            Jesna
        her life. Above all, I admire the           D/o Josekutty, Ras. Al. Khaimah
        way she prays. No matter what                               Aju
        happens,  she  never  has  a  day        H/o Jesna, Mundakkal Ellam Family
        without a prayer. The only thing                       Hannah,
                                                                  D/o Jesna

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