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themselves. I can confidently my 1st year wasn’t as bad as I ex-
say that she was instrumental in pected. The vacation trips con-
developing my Christian values tinued to Mallappally, though
and prayer life, and her passion now I got to check Ammachy’s
for reciting Bible verses kindled BP during every visit, which I
in me a yearning for the same. now consider a privilege.
I consider it an honour that Time has come a long way,
it was Appachan and Ammachy and now married and with kids
who took me for my admission of my own, I can look back and
to medical college and thus laid feel the influence she has had on
the foundation for my career. I me and my family. Ammachy is
distinctly remember her watch- an absolute gem in the purest
ing bemusedly as I stood in and rarest form of the word, en-
front of my prospective seniors, dearing her to anyone who has
petrified of getting ragged, while been acquainted with her. The
Appachan in his usual jovial facets of her character that have
way, joked away with them. That inspired me the most are her in-
smile probably did the trick, as finite positivity in all situations