Page 77 - Full book_Neat
P. 77


                Many Lessons to Learn

                 mmachy has always  and friends there. Talking about
            Abeen a source of inspira- Ammachy’s  great memory,  I
          tion for us. We have so much to  don’t think anyone can surpass
          learn from her faith, kindness,  her geography skills. I remember
          goodwill and joyful spirit. We’ve  her quizzing us about the coun-
          cherished all our vacations with  tries of Europe and explaining
          her, especially the Onam lunch- to us the position of each coun-
          es,  and  the  times  we’ve  spent  try, when we didn’t know a sin-
          talking, singing and praying to- gle one. I think we can all take a
          gether with her. Whenever we  lesson or two from her life, and
          ask her about the times when  considering how many children,
          she was younger, she would re- grandchildren and great-grand-
          member  as  clear  as  day  how  children she has, that would be
          she  used  to  send her  children  quite a lot of lessons. So, thank
          to school, how she packed their  you Ammachy, for all the good
          lunch for them, and how they  times and memories we’ve
          liked it in a ‘pothi’ rather than a  shared  with  you  and  hope  we
          lunch box, and how she enjoyed  can make many more.
          going to Nicholson school and              Carolyn and Cheryl
          spending time with her teachers                         D/o Deepak

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