Page 81 - Full book_Neat
P. 81
Angel on Earth
mmachy is one of the Though I have not spent
Asweetest people I have much time with her, I know well
ever met.... and the oldest, but enough to be sure that each one
don’t be fooled by her age as she of us would want to raise our
is still very young at heart. kids to be like Ammachy.
The first picture of her’s I feel proud to have a grand-
which comes flashing to my mother like her and pray that
mind is of an infectious smile the values she has taught us
which suffuses us with joy. echoes through generations to
I am yet to come across a come.
person who can keep her calm Mrudula (Meetu)
under all circumstances. An art W/o Dhiraj, Cherai Thekkekkara,
Family, Dubai, UAE
that I would dearly love to mas-