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P. 83


             Ammachi: The Foundation

                       of the Family

                 mmachi’s       radiance I, unfortunately, have had very
            Ashines through her lov-       little time to spend with Amma-
          ing smile. You can always gen-   chi. But every occasion, be it a
          uinely see her eyes light up on  couple  of  hours  in  Mallappally
          seeing her children, grandchil-  and on some lucky trips or a few
          dren and great grandchildren.  days when she was at home in
          I feel privileged to be counted  Parumala (thanks to Jacob un-
          among them by her.               cle’s trips to the US or Shakeela’s
            The  annual  pilgrimage  to  leave) – it has always been mem-
          the motherland is incomplete  orable and will be cherished.
          without a visit to Ammachi. It’s   When I got married and
          a visit I truly cherish and look  came into the family, I was hon-
          forward to. Having been in this  estly impressed to see the great
          family for a little over a decade,  unity, love and affection that

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