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P. 85
A Heart Filled With
Warmth, Kindness,
Laughter and Love
he first thing that comes a teacher is exemplified in the
Tto my mind when I think felicity with which she explains
of Ammaachy is her calmness things. Once she teaches some-
and content smile. She unfail- thing, you are sure to remember
ingly spreads her infectious it for life.
positivity when we spend time I have many fond memo-
together. ries of Ammaachy. During my
Her sharp memory and school holidays, I used to look
knowledge about various top- forward to visiting her and Ap-
ics, be it Geography, History or pachen as we would head to In-
Maths, always amazes us. We dia from Dubai. I enjoyed chat-
are yet to come across a nation ting with her and listening to her
whose capital and history she stories about Nicholson school
doesn’t know of. Her career as where she studied and her hostel