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P. 90


                 The Perfect Teacher

                mmachy was an ideal  learner  was unbelievable. How
           Ateacher in every respect.  can I forget how she made maths
        Though she took voluntary re-    simple when subtraction and di-
        tirement from the teaching pro-  vision seemed insurmountable
        fession  after  marriage,  she  got  like  the  Himalayas?  She  never
        transformed into an ideal teach-  lost her temper even when she
        er whenever she sat with us to  had to explain a matter a hun-
        teach. I still remember today  dred times. She would be as cool
        how she taught us in the lower  as a cucumber. I often wondered
        classes especially 1st, 2nd and  how much patience one should
        3rd. Her nature of not getting  have to remain cool like this?
        irritated or angry and her ability   My  mind  goes  back  to  the
        to come down to the level of the  time when she taught us Geog-

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