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experiences. I found it fascinat-  and courage to face the day.
        ing how they wore “chatta” (top)    It was the start of a new chap-
        and “mundu” (dhoti) to school.  ter in my life and the valuable
        She would describe her routine  lesson of starting the day with
        of waking early and praying and  a prayer has remained with me
        finishing the day by reading the  to date. She has taught us do a
        Bible. These are habits she con-  lot, but most importantly, plant-
        tinues to this day. Truly admira-  ed the seed of the most essential
        ble and inspiring.               lesson of life -- Christian living.
           Ammaachy was always an  I couldn’t thank her enough for
        amazing cook. When she was  that.
        able, everything she made was       Her  calm  demeanour  and
        so tasty and she always insisted  willingness to listen brightens
        on getting it perfect. She is so  every encounter. Her face glows
        patient in getting it right. When  when she talks about our faith
        I was home during holidays, she  in Jesus. The way she innocent-
        taught me how to make “ada” in  ly and humbly surrenders ev-
        a perfect circle.                erything to God has always in-
           I also fondly remember the  spired  me.  Though  it  has  been
        time when I got my first job. I  subtle and with much simplicity,
        was in Dubai and staying at  it has impacted us deeply.
        Monuncle’s home. Ammaachy           I still look forward to seeing
        happened to be visiting and was  her on every visit and continu-
        at home. She would diligently  ing these conversations. We love
        wake up every morning and be-    her so much. May God bless her
        fore I left for work, pray for me.  and give her peace and comfort
        I used to eagerly await my quiet  every day.
        time with ammaachy. It used to                          Reshma
        give me much peace, strength                D/o Elsy, Perth, Australia

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